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Wolf Bonne

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Posts posted by Wolf Bonne

  1. This isn't too hard to do once you dip your toes and get the folders in place. Grab yourself Audacity https://www.audacityteam.org/ and convert any music track to a .ogg file, if you wanna add an extra touch to it slap the "telephone" effect on the audio within the equalize options.


    Then name the .ogg file to any of these to replace a song:




























    Create a series folders in your City of Heroes directory "Data\Sound\Ogg\BoomBox" and toss the converted song into the BoomBox folder. After that you gotta figure out which song was replaced by going through each one. You don't need to reboot the game whenever you change or add a file.


    Credit: https://web.archive.org/web/20120903225106/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=113746&page=11

  2. My recommendation is a Controller, they're slow, but solo well enough early levels. Pair any set with Dark Miasma or Radiation and you'll be fine with most primaries. A Blaster is also a good choice, the most important thing is a good secondary, Devices, Martial, Arrows, and especially Time are great, the only primary I'd avoid is Assault Rifle as it's a bit tougher to play.


    Anyway, here are a few recs: Plant/Dark or Illusion/Radiation for Controller. Energy, Beam Rifle, Dark Blast, or Ice combined with any secondary mentioned above. A Dark/Dark Corrupter or Fire/Dark are also very powerful, but you'll have to deal with solving endurance problems as you go.


    There are plenty of other combos as well, but I think those are some of the safest off the top of my head.

  3. I wouldn't rely on it, no, it makes it more reliable to weave between your other forms of mitigation to keep you topped or to set up for when you anticipate taking a big hit from an elite boss or arch-villain, what have you. It's allowed me to duo AVs from level 20 with a Rad/Rad Corrupter by my side for leveling. Not a big claim, but the heal has been the thing that has given me the edge as I've learned to utilize it better. Otherwise, yeah, it's best as a normal attack when you know you're relatively safe.


    Edit: To add a bit more for the OP, though, Fusion is a key ability and you will want it up as often as possible since it's a heckuva lot more powerful than a normal Build Up ability as it allows you to reliably apply and maintain the debuff for more AoE damage. I do not know if it's best to just pop it anytime it's up, in groups I do this and I never worry about it or RS (for the heal), solo and in smaller groups, though, I will hold onto Fusion if an enemy has the debuff on them in some cases. I'd say that, to an extent, Radiation Melee is a bit of a wonky primary to pair with Radiation Armor due to the lack of better CC, but the gameplay of it is, I find, nuanced and highly optimizable. And a bit reliant on luck.


    Oh yeah, I'd maybe grab hasten as well if you don't have it or wasn't planning to pick it up, that'll also bump up your survivability.

  4. Don't have much to add, I'd at least grab Tough, that may put a nice oomph in your step, it was the first thing I went for. Fusion should have at least one more recharge in it cuz it's the thing that'll make your heal more reliable and pump out more damage. Fusion is essentially a guaranteed heal if your hits land. I'd also maybe put an accuracy into Radiation Therapy to make it more consistent.

  5. I'm not sure how others would feel on this, but I could see Stone Armor ported over replacing Granite with some other ability, as some other sets have been changed to fit more in line with their archetype role. It would likely need to be some sort of damage debuff though since I feel like that's kinda the flavor of Stone Armor.

  6. /demorecord and /demostop work, the file for it is located within the same directory as where you have the game installed. This guide should work https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Demo_Recording



    If I were interested in a video I'd just use the recorder in Windows or Nvidia.


    Demos are their whole thing, it is a capture of the game using a text file that you then play through the client. As such, it's incredibly small and easy to look through and edit. For instance, that cool costume you saw? You can literally copy and paste it.

  7. Another note is that, it might still be painful for some people. Losing a job suddenly like that probably left some bruises and understandably hard feelings. I imagine most are aware and we'll have to wait and see if anyone chooses to open up about it.

  8. I doubt too many will say much if anything, I know a couple of them have acknowledge that this is all happening, but anybody who wants to look good for employers for current or future jobs would likely not wanna touch on it as it would look weird.

  9. While Dark/Dark Controller for team play is very good, I'd argue that the Corrupter version is relatively on par with its CC late game while pumping out a significant amount more DPS, and the utility makes the Blaster version pale in comparison, unless you prefer something more focused on front loaded damage and blasts. I have a 45 D/D Controller and it's nice, but feels lacking in what other combinations can do, especially in damage.


    The Defender version might be smoother to level, endurance is hammered with the combination and you get tools a tad more quickly to manage that sooner.


    Dominator is a decent choice as well, but I'd only go for it if you like the very active gameplay style as you'll be hopping in and out of melee range to hit things with your control abilities.


    Don't think you can go wrong with any combination, but I guess my vote for best goes to Corrupter for the balance of CC, utility, and damage. That said, Dominator would be a fun (and challenging) variant run that is the most different from all other combinations.

  10. I never make villains, just people who're put or born into tough situations, making do with whatever they can get, making whatever the most positive choices they can in dire times, and /sometimes/ that can be violent or extreme. It's not always a choice for all my characters to be in the Rogue Isles, it's just where they are, where their home happens to be. If I were to make a villain proper, I'd probably make them someone who is petty about something going on in Paragon City, or with one of the heroes there, maybe establish them as coming from one of the villain gangs.

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  11. I'm extremely curious if the Homecoming team is okay with this as I'd love to use this feature, if it's seen as one.


    It's fine, but we take no responsibility for any costume (or potentially character) corruption that may occur as a result. I also believe that it doesn't stick around - I've heard conflicting reports, but it definitely changes back if you edit your costume normally, and it may change when merely zoning.


    Awesome, understood. Thanks!

  12. I wouldn't want to take away the cap, but I'd love it if it got raised to around 25 or 30, which would make duoing with my spouse a lot more comfortable when one of us wants to tank while the other plays a squishy archetype. It'd also make the game act more consistently in more circumstances, as I only remembered the aggro cap existed when I was soloing a bank heist paper mission and noticed some of the enemies just stood there. I can't help but feel that 17 or whatever it is set at is a bit on the conservative end, but I understand its function for groups and difficulty.

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  13. Honey, not everything is as politically loaded as you might assume it is. Sometimes you just want a little red riding hood character to burst into a giant werewolf and have some continuity to it. And my post is under the understanding that it could be not worth the hassle for a pretty small feature. Just throwin' a little logic back at your way.


    Because people have made it a political issue whenever it comes up.


    However, you do bring up a point that I've always wondered.  Why are the heavies always assumed to be male?  I know of a few comic ladies who were not petite at all, and would have a hard time recreating them using the Physique slider.


    And then there is the other aspect I mentioned with the Kheldians being able to hop boddies, and what about Thor and when Jane was worthy enough to pick up Mjolnir.


    I almost wonder if it would be easier to add that as a fourth gender than putting in the suggestion you said.  After all, you have to go through A LOT of code, including the responses, to fix it.


    People do make it one, yeah. That's the intent of what I said. As for the rest.... okay? I think it'd take a lot of work to make a fourth body type for a more feminine huge option, as you'd have to fit all the costume options or make new ones, and is honestly outside the scope of my suggestion. All for it, though. Assuming I understand what you're suggesting.

  14. I dont really care one way or another, however, I am concerned with how much resources and time would be going in to a politically correct function, that a good portion of people are most likely not going to agree with. Not everyone believes in the gender pronouns movement. Just seems to me that we should leave any real life politics out of a game. It just brings real life issues in to a game that people play to get away from real life issues. I dont care if it is added, I just feel this could potentially stir up trouble in a community that is fine without being political in any real life way. Just some food for thought, how important is this to you? If you find it a top priority, then by all means, continue. If not, might be best to leave it alone. Your choice, just wanted to send a bit of logic your way to give you so.ething to think about.


    Honey, not everything is as politically loaded as you might assume it is. Sometimes you just want a little red riding hood character to burst into a giant werewolf and have some continuity to it. And my post is under the understanding that it could be not worth the hassle for a pretty small feature. Just throwin' a little logic back at your way.


    As for tieing pronouns to biology, sure, that's fine for any non human.


    So why isn't it fine for humans?  That sounds rather specist.  Most of humanity's cultures tie pronouns to biology where it applies, and it is only a few cultures which do tie pronouns with any cultural significance (such as the Latin languages, which have no indefinite pronouns).


    It's fine to assume, if a person corrects you on what they use for themselves, that's your hill to die on if you wanna. I don't really care what a dog might think or a fictional alien. Like I said, not really the point of my suggestion. Ain't here to change minds lol.

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  15. The game ties what pronouns it will call up to the body type of your character for things like badge titles, mission text, and NPC text. While this is in most cases fine, I'd appreciate the ability to move it into a drop down menu within the costume editor and tie it to a selected costume, which would be the ideal middle ground implementation for such a feature, defaulting to the usually associated pronouns for each body type so no one has to even give it a thought if they don't care.

    There is a workaround to getting what you want.  When you use the cosmetic surgeon to change your body type, you still retain those pronoun references tied to your original body type.  For example, I had a huge axe/willpower brute back in the day and I wasn't overly thrilled with the concept.  Instead of deleting and rerolling, I took advantage of the newly introduced cosmetic surgeon option which allowed changing height and body type.  Later, in game, I found that the new female character was referred to in that mission text still as a "he".


    So basically choose the gender with the pronoun you want at start, then visit the Icon cosmetic surgeon and change body types.  You can be a masculine or huge body type referred to as "she" or a feminine type referred to as "he" to your heart's content.


    I didn't specifically check the Icon/Facemaker, but switching costumes also switches flag as well. An interesting bug, but wouldn't work for what I specifically would like.


    Aside from situations where the character is from a species which is fluid-sex or is a body-hopping being like the Khelds, I don't really see the point (custom pronouns would be for monosex and multi-sex species).  Gender is supposed to be a socialogical construct, so I don't see how changing the presentation of the biology would change that.  Not to mention, some people tie pronouns to biology where applicable, not sociology.


    Little Red Riding Hood transforming into a giant wolf in the middle of a group of enemies wouldn't make those around her suddenly refer to her with masculine pronouns if, ostensibly, she is exactly the same person. Or a robot or cosmic character, some form of entity where "it" might be applicable as a custom pronoun (or people who choose it for themselves for their personal reasons). Some people, like myself, can refer to themselves with differing pronouns depending on context, cuz, as you say, it's a social construct, so it can be malleable and shifting. As for tieing pronouns to biology, sure, that's fine for any non human. Mostly that's all besides the point, it'd just open up more customization options.


    Anyway, glad people are cool with it, I was nervous to suggest this cuz the jokes are easy these days.

  16. I've always wanted to put my thoughts out there on enhancements as a whole, so this is mostly a rant for me and not at any one person in particular. Hopefully no one minds, obviously feel free to tear into me or what have you.


    The game was in a very odd place pre-ED, and I don't buy the ED was ever really intended to fix cookie cutter builds, it was just an easy thing to say by the devs. It was much more about lowering the absolutely massive gap between a lot of powersets and archetypes. ED was a hammer to the problem, and it sucked. Back in the day, I thought it was uncreative and hurtful, being older and wiser I now realize the realities of development time and how difficult it must've been to get City of Villains out the door, it was a massive expansion to the game intended to be standalone. I'm much more forgiving, but it hurt. People talk about overpowered builds and such, but there were some gameplay styles that got completely gutted, to this day elec/elec blasters never quite recovered, never got anything to compensate for their lack of a useful secondary effect outside of specific moments. Fixing perma unstoppable and high end cheese builds would've been easy to fix on their own, and they tried, but it still wouldn't properly address the power gap.


    Some balance changes and tweaks did help make ED less intrusive, and inventions did add a nice layer to the game while bumping people up as a whole by a good amount, but I'd say that their implementation of inventions was... well, it bothers me to hell and back that my characters all fiddle with a cube over some tech looking table and there is no alternative to crafting besides /ah. I would've contextualized it differently while making the system easier to use. The early days of the UI for the stuff was a real nightmare for me, and I still find it tedious. I have to use inventions if I wanna take myself further, there is no real alternative, discounting endgame stuff.


    As a whole, I think the enhancement system was and is clunky, made more so with invention origins. I'm surprised they never gutted training level enhancements and standardize dual origins or single origin. Just bump us all up to be more powerful from the get-go.



    As for whether or not to remove ED, I dunno how hard it'd be. I suppose it'd be kinda fruitless at this point with how many changed have been made to a lot of older powersets in a post-ED world, incarnate on i25 is so accessible as to maybe be overly trivialized. But I could see a pre-CoV version of the game being interesting to see. I wouldn't want to main on it, but god... I'd love to play my old spines/regen, or my elec/elec blaster, if just for a bit.

  17. I've noticed some inconsistencies myself, and yeah there is no hit check for Placate AFAIK. My best guess is that the servers/client/something struggle with prioritizing everything that's going on, maybe struggling with how Psionic Melee mechanics work (that's what I'm playing right now)? Psi Melee has a couple DoTs as well but generally they're very quick and I haven't confirmed if they break hide or not. My other guess is I'm getting hit with something and I'm unable to properly register where it's coming from due to iffy visual and audio feedback. I have heard of others finding Psi Melee in particular feeling a tad wonky with how hide works, but nothing concrete.

  18. What's the recommendation for a secondary and slotting to support an attempt (I'd like to actually enjoy the trip to lvl25).


    If you plan to level red side, go Super Reflexes. I've been leveling an Psi/Energy Aura and have been caught off guard with how difficult villain content can be with common psi usage from enemies, ground targeted slows, and just enough defense debuffing at 30+ that I wish I had stuck to my initial choice of SR, which has good resistance to slows and defense debuffs, along with some defense to psi. EA gives you a heal and good end recovery tools, but you can get around those two things with SR with pool powers.


    If you plan to be a hero, you'll have a much easier time leveling in general and I'd worry less about it, but any defense based set will do you well. Yet to try a resist based set on Stalker, so no comment there.

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