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Posts posted by Enigmaniac

  1. Thought I'd at least let people know I've decided to just try demon/fire; I do quite like the healing and think I'd prefer to go dark/dark dominator instead to get my creep-build out. Can't really claim I prefer it yet as it's still early game, but does feel smoother so far. Thanks for the advice thusfar and perhaps in time when I actually read in on what IO's even are I'll appreciate it even more. xD

  2. So due to invitation by a friend I thought I'd try out this game for a first time, and because I enjoy pet builds in games quite a bit I went with a themed build with my first MM.

    I'm currently lvl 23(iirc) and I'm utterly getting my ass handed to me, unlike a blaster from similar level who is able to go one on one with something 5 levels higher and tear it down effortlessly. Pets are getting universally one- or twoshotted against anything over yellow or when facing more than 3 mobs in one go, and barely do any dps at all despite slotting for more damage and accuracy. Can't slot them for more health or cooldown, am already using leadership to further try and squeeze out some dps but quite frankly it's not enough by a large margin.

    Had I to compare the experience from similar level MM versus blaster, I'd say stopping power is less than 20% of the blaster and I have no tanking capacity to excuse that kind of power difference. No matter how good I spec for heals, I can't heal what gets instagibbed.

    Is this the expected result from demons, pain or MM in general? Because as it is I'm just not seeing how the hell I'm supposed to contribute with anything.

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