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Everything posted by High_Beam

  1. by trouble you mean pie right?
  2. II may not like or participate in PvP but that is part of the deal in a PvP zone. There is no etiquette. Fair game.
  3. Congo Ratz on 50! Keep on Keepin on is the best advice I have. You are what makes the game evergreen to you. But keep off the moors, stay on the road.
  4. I have done this once or twice. Characters that I invested slotting of Set IOs in at an early point (pre-30) then discovered that I wasn't having fun with the character which placed it in the scrap pile. Buy needed Set IO recipes with any reward merits or execute the tedious transfer withing account, then I strip them using a respec, trade set IOs, salvage recipes and influence and anything else sitting in them to a mule. THEN DELETE. In rare cases where I have a character that I ran to 50 and either tolerated or liked but lost pleasure in playing, they are stripped like the others then sent to Everlasting. The Mule then divies out the Set IOs to those in need based on my spreadsheet or dumps them in the Base Bin.
  5. Well its easier if you catch a team or league early enough when the event starts in zone to increase your bomb destruction count but that is pretty much the only way for sure. I seem to remember a mission where was a single UXB (or at least that's how I remember it) that you could target and destroy but I didn't check to see if it gave credit.
  6. Yeah I have a pile of em, specially from the anniversary and other events.
  7. Pigtails! I hope she doesn't break out her spanking axe. In addition to the others I mentioned, I ran into Ghost XIII. So many chat logs of infamy!
  8. OMG! Heli! Welcome back sister! I wasn't sure when I saw you post in forum so sent you a PM then saw this. Oh my heart is singing right now Heli. My mains are in Girls of Nukem High but I also have Babes of War where all my alts are. Libbyator is in Girls of Nukem High @Nemeroff Nster and Neko as you mentioned. Ran into Xai like a year ago Also ran into Fade. So many great memories bubbling up now especially when you and Molly were running together.
  9. And? Space Utopia cant have large-breasted women. Saint-Exmin disagrees. You do not want a Valkyrie disagreeing with you.
  10. As soon as they hit 50 they are almost always parked in Ouro because of the flashbacking, the iTrials and the ease of access to PUG TF/SF calls. I never even looked at the day powers till this thread and now I am like , , , hmmmm. Thanks for the reminder. P.S. I saw Troo parked by The Sears and Roebuck in Ouro yesterday. Then again his bio said this is a copy of Troo.
  11. Sits in the corner laughing; welcome to the land of Knockback where everyone hates you!
  12. Cant believe after four pages that nobody has jumped on this: What Would Snarky Do?
  13. This is me sometimes because work computers are used by a ess ton of people.
  14. With the right team mix, ATT, TT and MT I have done Quarterfields in 45 minutes. Then again its being led by Blapperella who has that shit down to a machine level of precision. I have actually never been on one where Incandescence was used. But yeah its the traveling and the the street hunts. Its like Numina in space!
  15. Two words - luminescent dials.
  16. As has been said several times, the game is as difficult as you can make it. I play when I can play, sometimes that's maybe an hour max and sometimes I get to clock real long time. Either way, when I play I want enjoyment, first then challenge. If I am not enjoying the mission, the content or simply that moment, I step back. Grinding +4 enemies solo takes forever and is like boring, challenge or not. Yet even on lowest difficulty settings, some characters I have are challenged yet I am finding enjoyment. And that is what I think is the miracle of this game. The very fact that so many different people with different play styles and power arrangements and yada yada, can play the same content and have a different experience than the person next to them is amazing. The game should not be altered at a fundamental level to be harder or more challenging but if you can broaden the ability to customize difficulty, that is awesome. The devs seem to get this, regardless of minor quibbles with X or Y.
  17. Yeah, Storm blast has a repel mechanic (similar to Hurricane) and some knockdown against foes not in the Storm Cell but once in the Sotm Cell, its gone and you want your foes in the Storm Cell cause they die quicker.
  18. Maybe the missing Babbages are messing with them.
  19. Love starting a Synapse and realizing there are like 30 Supas parked there by the station. I totally know they are like, "sup girl, wanna join a rave" and I am like . . . . maybe, let me ask my boyfriend if I can smash you all first. My internal monologue needs therapy sometimes.
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