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  1. Will check it out thanks
  2. Thank you everyone for the help and amazing welcome I received 🙂 I shall look through all the comments and take everyone’s advice on board. ive been toying around with different archetypes for about a day now. Still not completely decided on how I want to play but I will definitely try to make my mind up and when I do I hope I get to play with you all at some point! 🙂
  3. I’d say it’s just a case of treat others as you wish to be treated, treat others with respect and request people’s knowledge and help and they will be more than happy to share that knowledge and the help requested with you? im not entirely sure though.
  4. Ahh so I might have to just become blue side then I guess. Thanks for that info!
  5. Thank you for the information. When I jump back on tomorrow I’ll be sure to follow this and I’ll look you up If I get on a villain char (I think I may actually do this since my char is going to be based on world breaker/world war hulk) so it’s basically when he decides to kill all the heroes. it’s my own take on him haha
  6. Scratch that it seems I accidentally made my char on the excelsior server haha
  7. I've officially settled on my character I used someones brute idea from this thread along with dual blades and invulnerability and I've modeled my char after World War Hulk. I'm on the everlasting server.
  8. I think I may start on everlasting. Simply for the roleplay aspects alone. never roleplayed before but I could potentially get into it.
  9. ahh no worries i shall eagerly await them haha
  10. As the title suggests I'm completely new to the game looking for a group/guild of likeminded players who don't mind playing with a complete newbie and possibly even helping to show me the ropes.
  11. That picture reminds me of a character from Killer Instinct on the SNES forgot his name.
  12. Thank you for the warm welcome and yeah I’m thinking of trying out a melee tank, how do I get my character to fly from level one or get an easy way to travel sorted? Is there a certain option I have to pick? and I will do
  13. Backstory’s always add that extra depth for sure. I even saw there’s a mutant option. It’s got me wondering whether I could make a similar character to night crawler who can teleport haha
  14. As the thread title suggests I'm completely new to the game so much so I'm still in the middle of creating my character on the server but once I'm done I would love to join a guild/group of likeminded players who wouldn't mind playing with a complete newbie or showing him the ropes.
  15. Same, I tend to think about my favourite comic book characters or movie characters and base my characters off of them.
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