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Marathon Man

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  1. Massively has also added an article... here you have the link, it's given me a few problems cause it firstly said it looked like spam, guess it solved itself once I added more text https://massivelyop.com/2024/01/05/city-of-heroes-homecoming-talks-funding-the-city-council-and-the-impending-content-drop/
  2. Had to check my calendar, here in Spain we celebrate the Fools'Day on December 28th, fortunately we're already in January so it's for real, it's official!! YAY good news, congrats to all those involved on reaching this agreement!
  3. What I meant, and probably didn't explain properly, is I haven't received any purple recipe after playing several high level tfs and endgame content this week, therefore my question about purple recipes NOT dropping given I hadn't logged in for quite some time.
  4. Hi, haven't played for a while and couple of nights ago I joined a TINPEX run, not only didn't I get any purple recipe unless what I expected, but also didn't get ANY recipe at all... maybe I should've purchased something from the P2W, or activate some weird new option I missed?
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