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Posts posted by Raught19

  1. My new character, spines/bio stalker.


    The Masque of Feasts or Masque of Kiss or The Kissing Mask name pending (let me know what you think lol)


    He is empowered with the abilities of an Assassin Bug. His sharp mouth pieces over his body, inject prey with a toxin that hollows out his enemies. Allowing him to wear their fleshy husks as armor. 

    This armor not only provides protection, but it smells just like people, and the pheromones it releases makes him invisible to the eyes of normal humans.




    • Like 7
  2. 3 hours ago, Virtual Green said:

    Man, now I really wanna make a Illusion-controlling Djinn.. What's his secondary? (also, do you mind if I take "inspiration" from it, as @PoitVok puts it? :D )

    Sure! if you want, make it a "Shard of Orikzul" 


    If you make one, let me know! I'd love to see it


    Hes an Illusion/storm 🙂


    Here is his Person Info, borrowed from the Origin story of the Djinn in The Secret World.


    We have told you this story before, sweetling, of the Jinn and the First Age. We witnessed their birth from the smokeless flame, created by the Host. There were others too, some born of the trembling earth, the chanting waters, or shining winds — but their fates branched in other directions. They all swore oaths to Gaia and protected her. All was tranquil, until your species came into the world.

    The jinn were hurt, those of fire most of all, and angered -- that Gaia should be so fascinated by these talking monkeys. They took further insult when stewardship of the Earth passed into the hands of humankind. Know too that hate is love -- squeezed, bottled, and fermented. The jinn, along with many others of the demon-kind, grew furious. How could the miracle of this blue planet, and all of its promise, be inherited by these short-lived, ill-equipped foundlings?

    "We are fire," the jinn proclaimed. "Why should we bow to the clumsy clay?"

    • Like 2
  3. I think the way they are handling it right now is perfect. They ask for feedback, they make polls when needed. I think that's more than enough. They care more about the quality of the game than just cheap tricks. This is why Homecoming is popular. It's as close to a professional server as we can get. 


    Also the super strength thing was a bug. It should be fixed, like a bug. Just because it benefits you doesnt mean it should still exist.

    • Like 6
  4. These are my costumes I'm most proud of. I would love some feedback on them! 😄


    Baron Sanguis Water/Dark Corruptor


    Dr. Estoteric Earth/Fire Dominator


    Warp Engineer Titan/Rad Brute


    Groveyard Necro/Nature Mastermind


    Amalgam Plant/Psi Dominator (There is like 6 costumes of different "amalgamated" people, this is the core one)


    • Like 7
  5. 10 minutes ago, Apparition said:

    Most of the people that I know that don't play red side refuse to do so because they want to be the hero and doing red side missions and SFs make them feel icky.  The only thing that may bring them red side is if you offer cute puppy snuggles after every SF.  But then you'd turn off those that play red side because they want to play the villain... like me.  It's an unsolvable problem, IMO.


    Depending on what server you're on, you can still get teams red side.  It's like pulling teeth and will take a while, but it can be done.

    See I've found the opposite, I run into "Heroes" all the time who are only Heroes because its impossible to find groups on the Villain side. and when they do see a group open, they can be too lazy to travel to Pocket D.  Most players  that are "Villains" will level up Heroes, and switch to Villain at 50, as its near impossible to level up with a group on the Redside. This is why I have this suggestion, to give incentive to people to actually go to Redside and be able to level up. Giving redside Inf and XP bonuses will not keep people from doing Heroside, but will bring over more Villains pre50.

    • Like 2

    21 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    ... ehhh.  I don't think the 200% XP boost would happen (we've already got free 100% boosts, and I *really* doubt they'd be allowed to stack.) The Inf boost makes sense - maybe not 200% worth (and, after all, if you've got an XP booster you're losing some percent there.)


    Fixed for clarity, by 200% I mean double xp. As 200% of something is double.

  7. It seems people playing Villain side is extremely rare, especially for Newspaper missions, so  I have two suggestions to make it a little more active.


    Flat 15% XP and Infamy boost for Villain missions:

    This would help general missions in Villain be viable as a means for grouping and leveling up.


    Double XP and Infamy while in Bank Heist missions:

    I feel this would be an amazing incentive to an extremely fun mission type. It gives reason to actually fight before/after the bank mission, and since it has a time limit, it can't be farmed forever. And your robbing a bank, so money money money!

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