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Posts posted by tjjano33

  1. Did they change how to get the Long Range Teleporter since Page 7 Came out?  I got all my badges for Atlas Park (took a bit because I did not know they moved the Rookie Exploration badge).  However, I did not receive the Long Range Teleporter power after getting the badge and merits for completing it.  I assumed then that there might be a change, so I went to Kings Row to get one badge and thought maybe now I have a badge in two zones that the power would appear, but no luck.  Did they change the requirements on how to get the Long Range Teleporter or is it a bug that I should report?

  2. On 5/25/2019 at 6:08 PM, Healix said:

    When you send a remark to the global window, you can let folks know what character you are on, what level and what AT. Easy to copy/paste into the chat bar, enter.


    (I chose F10 to bind it, but you can use whatever you wish)


    /bind F10 "beginchat /send "Global" [as $Name- $ArchEtype, $level]"





    Is there a variable to tell people what zone you are in?  For instance /bind F10 "begin chat /send "Global" [as $Name- $ArchEtype, $level, $zone]  ($zone or whatever the command is, letting people know you are in Atlas Park, Skyway, Steel etc.)?

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