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Posts posted by Shayendrel

  1. 1 hour ago, Shenanigunner said:

    Looks exactly the same at 4K. 🙂


    Because it's split at the center of the screen, I can guess at some of the technical issues. But I'd hate to see dev time wasted fixing it.


    Honestly, I would have rather seen them fix this than some of the recent changes they have been focused on. There is a lot that could be done to enhance the game without playing with powers and 'balance' on a few things that really didn't need them in that mix.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    It does, but even like 1 power being different here or there. Stalkers already get this with the addition of AS giving each set a solid ST attack (hi Elec Melee), and then some AoEs are changed for them only (hi Power Crash). Conversely, Tanker powers could be altered to take advantage of their inherent with clever manipulation of radius / etc, and we already see certain changes with Claws on Tanks/Brutes vs Scrappers in terms of how they behave. 


    For me, it kind of comes down more to how Tanks/Brutes/Scrappers have nearly 1:1 mirrors of certain sets outside of Taunt/Confront and minor differences here and there. It begs the question of why play an X/ brute over a X/ scrapper, or a Y/ tank over a /Y brute, when if there were slight changes between them it would encourage a bit more exploration.


    I do get what you are saying, and agree to a large extent, but there is more to the differences than just the one power difference in a set (if there is one), in that brutes are more like scrap-tankers (though not as good as either in their established areas, scrappers do more damage, tankers can generally take more damage), but depending on the set the differences can be minimized

  3. On 11/21/2020 at 2:00 PM, Gobbledegook said:

    So Dark Melee was released entirely ignoring the feedback that that was given. Why did we even waste our time?

    Feedback is either being cherry picked or completely ignored.

    The rest of the update it awesome 😉 but Dark Melee should've been put back again as the feedback was pretty negative to it.

    Opening a suggestion thread for it would have been better.

    100% Feels like they really don't care about DM or the people who play it. There were so many other things they could have done, and yet they insisted on nerfing SM and going through with the ridiculous changes to ToF. Why bother asking for feedback if you have no intention of listening to any of it? At least tell us reasoning for the changes, and what things they took into consideration from our feedback. And yes, they should have waited honestly.

    On 11/21/2020 at 2:25 PM, parabola said:

    I can understand the desire to get the issue as a whole out the door. My concern is whether this is the final word on Dark Melee? Will it now fall to the back of the queue for any future work? It has clearly eaten up quite a bit of dev time with these changes and those in the previous page but the prevailing opinion seems to be it needs more work. It would be a reassurance if we could get word that it will get yet another look in the next page.

    In the meantime I'm trying to hang onto the fact that Shadow Maul has been buffed overall from where it was before the last page. I have got rather used to the current high mob cap but that's the danger of temporary changes...

    Then why bother putting it into live at this point? They could have left it on beta to work on some more rather than the bastardization it is at this point. And yes, still love that they didn't nerf the cone angle, but still, it will make some fights a bit tougher/longer.

    On 11/21/2020 at 4:20 PM, Greycat said:

    Just because you *give* feedback doesn't mean it'll be agreed with or put in, either right away or at all.  That does not mean it's ignored.

    It's a new patch - a new *issue.* Generally the changes are watched more closely for a while afterward as the general player base gets their hands on it and finds new and interesting ways to break/abuse/fold/spindle/mutilate it. Depending on how the devs feel about it, it may get more changes right away, or in the next "page" or two, or they may be happy with how it fits in the overall idea of how the game works and leave it as is.

    Well, sorry, but then they should either hold off as I said above, or give us feedback on our feedback to them. Writing a few lines on their reasoning goes a long way to not make us feel ignored.

    On 11/21/2020 at 5:23 PM, Greycat said:

    As I've said elsewhere. Development is not, and should not be, a democracy. 

    Just because they don't give a response doesn't mean they don't pay attention to your feedback. (Small, volunteer team, putting out a fairly big update, after all.) Just because they didn't go and change things with the "most popular" option doesn't mean the feedback was useless. "Most popular" doesn't necessarily mean "right" (or "fits with whatever internal overall plan they have," or "is something they can do.")

    No, it is not and should not be a "democracy"; but I know from insiders that there are people working things that do not actually play what they are working on. If that is indeed the case (I always take insider info with a grain of salt) then they really need to listen to the feedback from those of us who do rather than making arbitrary changes that impact people who play the sets negatively.


    On 11/21/2020 at 6:01 PM, Gobbledegook said:

    But it was proven to be wrong.

    Of course they can do what they want, whether right or wrong. Ill just choose to leave DM as it pales in comparison to EM.

    And i am grateful to the developers for all their work. I just wished they had responded more with DM. MA was pulled due to feedback.

    And that is my biggest problem with these changes. My original main toon on Live when I first started playing a couple months after CoH launched was a DM/DA Scrapper. I did have alts, but that was my go to. People thought I was nuts because the DPS is lower than other sets, and it was such an end hog. I got it to 50 to prove people wrong, and enjoyed it along the way. Yes the narrow cone was a pain in the ass, but it was good that it hit multiple targets for clearing mobs around a boss, etc. Yes, I had to take body master for the end (until much later when incarnates came out), but I was one of the few who was resistant to psi damage.


    These changes feel like an insult to those of us who have played DM/DA since the beginning (first toon I re-rolled on joining Homecoming was my DM/DA main). What are they trying to do? I really don't want cookie cutter BS, but at least keep things competitive. My Mace/Shield scrapper can farm S&L mobs almost as fast as my fire farmer can farm fire mobs. My DM/DA scrapper? Nope, not even a contest. Very freaking slow comparatively. Like probably more in line with how fast my DA/DM Tanker can do it, just with a lot more maintenance clicking (like Dark Regen or using incarnates, etc.).

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  4. On 10/24/2020 at 11:56 AM, Hew said:

    Have you slotted and tried to use the new ToF? Maybe actually toss a character onto the beta server and try it out before you cast aspersions?


    Also, you do realize that _target caps_ for tankers have been higher than any other melee for god knows how long right? It is how they manage agro!

    I have, and do not like it. I have a DM/DA Scrapper and a DA/DM Tanker. Love them both, but only bothered to make the tanker after the changes to the angle and target cap for Shadow Maul. I made an original post in the main thread about it and was told to come here to critique, etc.

    Honestly, the reversion on the target cap numbers just sounds like someone was sour grapes about DM being able to be actually semi-effective... that set has, well had if you count ToF (which I don't because the mechanics and damage are lame AF, even though improved in beta), only the one cone for AOE damage, and there are other sets with more and better AOE choices. I'm fine with only having the one *if* it's not nerfed the way you are nerfing it. The AOE for ToF is stupid, the area is very small, the fear is useless IMO, and I already cap out any debuffing from the single target and shadow maul usage already.

    Honestly DM is almost entirely Single Target damage, and the one shining use for Shadow Maul was for clobbering a group that was trying to gank you for scrappers, and to help hold aggro effectively on my tanker. Since it does even less damage on tankers than scrappers/brutes, not sure what the actual rationale for the decrease is there. And yes, while the 'threat level' is higher for tankers, I've had blasters and scrappers pull aggro off my tanker many times (and done it to other tankers) before, so every little bit that helps me do my role there is a good thing.

    It's almost as if they only want us to play Titan Weapons, Fire melee, Rad melee, and all the other sets that have better AOE attacks AND generally stronger single target attacks as well. I just don't understand it at all. I definitely don't want powers all the same and over homogenized for each AT, but seriously, they should all be relatively on par when all factors are accounted for, and DM has NEVER gotten any love since the inception of City, until the small bump earlier this year, and now you're yanking back half of that on us. Almost all the other changes I have seen in the list make a *HELL* of a lot more sense. That one though, not at all.

    Oh, and Soul Drain is awesome. As a buff. But it is NOT really a damage "attack", even though it does do okay damage, but the fastest recharge I have gotten it down to is still more than 30 seconds.

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  5. Sorry, but the changes to Shadow Maul reduce the Dark Melee set back to near uselessness and potential obscurity. It is the ONLY AoE attack it has, and coupled with the fact that you need to have several targets to make their pbaoe buff & end abilities, it does not make it 'balanced', in these changes, just weaker. I guess you just want everyone to use Titan Weapons, Mace and Fire Melee toons.

    I have multiple Dark/Dark toons, but the Scrapper and Tanker I have really enjoyed the boost you gave them to their ONE AoE attack, and now you want to yank it? and Eff touch of fear. Never taken it because it is useless, and even with the changes you have done to it, I never will. The cone is too small, the damage is too little, the debuff is not worth it as I'm already capping the hit debuff from the rest of the set, and if I want fear, I will take cloak of fear from the Dark Armor set.

    Stop screwing those of us who want to play the dark melee set. The DM set is already one of the lesser DPS sets there is, and mostly single target based, so why the hate for us now?

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