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Posts posted by Corevector

  1. A Great Memory


    Just a few months after the game was released, I was playing my first hero, an illusion/kinetics controller. It was my first time playing a game online.  I had just hit level 5 and was struggling with some unruly Hellions in Atlas Park. I was on the verge of defeat when out of nowhere a hero arrived to save my skin.  Merchant Marine was his name and he took pity on my feeble condition and healed me and gave me several buffs since my healing power had missed. I survived the battle and thanked him greatly.  He was gracious and invited me to join his team as they ventured into the new zone called The Hollows.  Whoa, The Hollows? I had never ventured outside of Atlas Park. I hesitantly joined and ventured into the unknown realm. I entered the new zone and was promptly greeted by a horde of angry trolls. Ouch, again Merchant Marine and his pals saved my skin.  Soon we went on this crazy run across a devastated region full of big, bad dudes that I tried my hardest to avoid. Try as I might and after several trips back in the hospital in Atlas Park, I finally made it across the death trap where we were about to face this crazy villain named Frostfire. Boy was that intimidating but crazy fun!  We went on many future adventures with many different heroes. Crazy fun and some times that I will never forget.

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