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Posts posted by MaxDon

  1. @maxpainless      Max Dark Regen DM/R scrapper and many other Max somethings. Cant remember if my mains where here or justice but i remember both servers.  Most the time I'd be with my game friend @seychelles.  She also had a daughter but i have forgotten her handle.  I started in Redemption Reborn SuperGroup then started my own Max's Army.  Im currently just got on reunion server (not knowing its EU base) chat handle @Bill Goldberg.   Dang its been like 7+ years. Glad to be back. 

    Max Painless

    Bill Goldberg

    Little Miss Max

    Miss Max

    Max Fire

    many more Max somethings that i cant remember

    To Sey: I hope you are doing well. Remember last we talked you wasnt doing well with your lungs. Hopefully one of the old gang sees this and we can reconnect. Be great to hear your in good health.

  2. @maxpainless      Max Dark Regen DM/R scrapper and many other Max somethings. Cant remember if my mains where here or justice but i remember both servers and some of the SG names here.  Most the time I'd be with my game friend @seychelles.  She also had a daughter but i have forgotten her handle.  I started in Redemption Reborn SuperGroup (pre-leader went nuts) then started my own Max's Army.  Im currently just got on reunion server (not knowing its EU base) chat handle @Bill Goldberg.   Dang its been like 7+ years. Glad to be back. 


    To Sey: I hope you are doing well. Remember last we talked you wasnt doing well with your lungs. Hopefully one of the old gang sees this and we can reconnect. Be great to hear your in good health.



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