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Posts posted by GruntledDave

  1. Dang, the Ninja Run/Shinobi-Iri/Sprint combo was pretty fun and flavorful - one of the main things I liked about the /nin set. I don't get the logic here. Running 3 toggles to get a less-good version of Super Jump was already a niche thing for /nin players to do; I guess now we'll all take a travel power that doesn't suppress Shinobi-Iri? That's a super big bummer. It'll probably mean my archery/nin sent just starts gathering dust 😞

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  2. I have spent the afternoon testing the Warshade versions of the TP changes, and I agree with ScariestSai that having these available in shifted form would be amazing, and would make Warshades even ... uh... Warshadier? Warshadish? Anyhow, squidport and combat teledwarf would rule. The changes on my humanform build didn't revolutionize gameplay, but they upped the fun quotient significantly.


    I also agree with Rodion that the hover needs a rethink. Their proposal of a 10s hover that ends if you do anything other than look around and re-teleport seems legit. It kind of feels like that was the intent all along? IDK, but I hate either falling out of the sky because I was too slow on the next tp or (more usually) teleporting myself somewhere dumb just because I was in a rush. 4s may seem long to some of you but I'm old and I like to think a bit 🙂


    A def buff would be kind of neat on combat teleport/starless step because that'd make it easier for me to take the power (and use it) and instead of giving up something cool and useful, I could give up an LotG mule. For warshades, the ToHit buff is beside the point, and I imagine it may be for others too. I'll try all this stuff out on my tankers tonight.


    As a side thought, folding space to get my pulls off the ramp in MSRs will be amazing whenever some dom or troller's immob has frozen them there.

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