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Posts posted by Godravage

  1. Can somebody explain this set to me? How does it work exactly? I have a level 50 plus corruptor, and I would like to upgrade the enhancements to something better than just 53 damage SO enhancements, but this set confuses me. The damage output is actually less than if you have a slotted enhancement of just 53. I get you can upgrade them to superior but even then, the damage output is less. Also, how does the set bonus work? Do you have to have one of each enhancement from the set slotted in one single power to get the bonus or can I put one in many different powers to get the set bonus? Thanks!

  2. So if I am a level 28 villain who completed the Black Scorpion patron mission and unlocked the badge, will I now have access to all four Patron Power pools even if I never did any of the other Patrons once I get to the appropriate level? If I change to a Hero, will I still be able to choose, for example, the Mako power set?

  3. Anyone have any idea why I didn't get rewarded this badge when defeating Babbage? I came upon the fight while he was over half life and after he was defeated, I got no badge but was rewarded with XP and influence. I hit him several times with my blasts, so i def got many hits on him.  He was not spawned in Boomtown. I think it was Skyway but not sure. Must he be killed in Boomtown for the badge?

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