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Everything posted by Sarkon1

  1. Just wanted to throw this out there. He-Man, while he used the sword of power to transform, rarely ever used the sword to attack. At most, if you could put a sword on his back as a costume piece, that would suffice. He punched, kicked, haymakered, and did an assortment of throws and tests of strength to fight with. Definitely a Super Str character, with a solid argument for Street Justice. He was definitely Inulnerability though. I would assume the lack of sword use in the cartoon was due to it being a children's show, and someone like He-Man, with super-human strength, using a sword to fight with, he would just obliterate things.
  2. I really only level Controllers and Dominators now. Why? Just because I want to. I powerlevel the others, but I like to get a feel for Controllers more. I like the playstyle. The thing with Controllers (and Doms) is to get into a rhythm. Don't worry about an actual attack chain or anything. Just go in and do what works. For me, 90% of the time, I run in and use the AoE Immobilize for damage in the early game, then just keep using it and the ST Immob for Containment damage. Once I get a hard lock, I open with that instead and then use the AoE Immob to kill things with Containment. 1-20, can be harder for Controllers, but if you pick up some freebie powers like Sands of Mu and the Undead Axe, things do go smoother. I like to turn off all my inspirations other than blues while leveling though (on my Doms, I leave greens/purples on too). The point isn't to win any races, it's to get a feel for the character. Using the AoE Immob and the ST Immob as damage will get you to 50...eventually. However, some sets, like Fire, have damage auras like Hot Feet. Just slot some End IOs in it and run around and watch the carnage. Even without damage Enhancements slotted, you will be able to complete missions just fine. Once you get your pet at 32, you can basically afk the rest of the way. Just run in, cast a hold, and watch your pets and AoE aura kill everything. Fire/Rad was my favorite on live, and still probably is really close to top still as I am a very lazy player. Turn on Hot Feet and Choking Cloud, go in, either Flashfires or Cinders, whichever is up, and let Imps clear it out...rinse/repeat. I will usually respec out of the AoE Immob at some point just because the End usage is off the charts on them, but early game, it can definitely help go through missions solo AND in group. Just AoE Immob and watch the rest of the team kill stuff and go to the next...fire off a heal or buff every now and then to let your group you are doing stuff lol. I really don't bother too much using my secondary skills at all. With /Rad you get Accelerated Metabolism, which is amazing, but as for the debuffs, I usually don't bother unless it's a boss+ mob. I have found that every AT is as relaxing or as hectic as you WANT them to be. I experiment with missions and AE to find my groove and just roll with it. I stopped worrying about whether my dps is comparable, or whether I can get my Controller to Scrapper damage and whatnot. Who cares? Just find your rhythm and enjoy the game...on your own terms. Every class is given the abilities to solo to 50...you just need to decide how you want to get there.
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