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Posts posted by Solymer89

  1. I use DO to regain endurance when I need it, the heal is negligible.  The rest of the time is OO.  The issue is the mechanic is sort of hard to plan around and as you go from group to group I haven't been able to plan on which I'm going to use the next time it pops up, it's more reactionary than anything else; need end?  DO, any other situation?  OO

  2. Efficient adaptation increases your endurance regen, not your total endurance if that is what you were looking for.  Double check your tooltip, it should not say max endurance.


    Can't speak to the range increase issue


    Defensive does increase your resistances, at least on the stat sheet it does

  3. Limited game knowledge as I never played CoH in earnest when the game was live, but I've played a Dark Blast/Bio Armor Sent to lvl 36 so far.  When the bar fills your first two attacks highlight.  The first attack is an offensive boost; not sure about the actual numbers, the damage is noticeable though.  The second attack is a defensive boost, so when active each attack gives back some endurance and health based off damage done I believe. 


    It's a bit random and I haven't been able to really plan around it's use, more like use it when it's available as it pops back up in a relatively short time.  The initial target of the first or second ability gets a target graphic around them which allows the rest of the team to benefit from either the offense or defense inherent while you maintain the bonus against all other targets while it is active as well.  I love it because you have a reactionary choice given your current circumstance.  Low on end?  Defensive boost, full health/end?  Offensive.  Coupled with Bio's offensive aura as well as the health and end/heal ability (with proper amounts of recharge) allows you to remain in offensive stance through most fights, though it took a bit to get things functioning to the point.  At level 36 I can comfortably solo at +1/2 and end most fights with full health/endurance as well as having most if not all cooldowns up and ready to go. 


    I have to try some other power-sets with sentinel to get a better idea of what the AT actually is but I've enjoyed it better than the plethora of other ATs I have tried so far, though none have gotten to the level of the Sentinel yet.  Bio armor may be covering up some of the inherent weaknesses of the AT and I have little frame of reference compared to the other ATs for damage purposes.  All I can say is I haven't come across a single enemy that gives me pause or trouble.  Bio armor itself doesn't seem suited well enough for farming groups of mobs due to the necessity of having defensive aura on which lowers damage done by 7.5% I believe so defenses out of defense aura are low, and resists are almost negligible.  However stance dancing seems to be a thing so it lends itself to a more reactionary play style.  Efficient stance is great for when you're struggling with endurance. 


    Looking forward to some more input from others on the AT!

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