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Posts posted by High-father

  1. 3 minutes ago, gameboy1234 said:

    I think for all the folks who want less rewards and more challenge, opening a new server would be the way to go. 

    I think this is a fantastic idea!


    3 minutes ago, gameboy1234 said:

    I can't imagine anyone looking at 30 odd alts and saying "I need to completely incarnate every last one." 

    I do 🙂 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Our characters were more powerful than the content provided on live close to shut-down. Let alone here. We can call it damage done, or hitting a content wall, whatever. But I don't think moving backwards and restricting what has already been provided is the answer. I would like to see more challenging content implemented to take advantage of all this excess power we've acquired. but that's off topic here in this thread.


    The one thing I have always wanted to see is some means of acquiring an extra slot for powers. I would suggest perhaps every 100 vet levels rewarding the character with 1 extra slot for a power. I wouldn't allow a 7th slot in a single power. Just 1 slot to add to a power that has less than 6 slots, say up to a maximum of 3. It would certainly add some more flavor to high level builds. 


    We're already incredibly powerful relative to the content we have to work with post 50. I don't see this breaking any further limits in the game.


    Also, some perspective. Most people that are going to reply to this thread are hardcore players. People who spend several hours in-game most days. I think the "average" player is probably a bit more casual. I still see many many people saying "not 50 yet but when I get there..."


    I can understand some of the frustration about the 'power creep'. I get it. But again, a lot of folks with that opinion are also opposed to "going back to the way it was", conceding that our current system is the lesser of 2 evils. 


    Another couple of suggestions:


    1. A special vet power pool that opens up at vet level 300, 500, 1000? Whatever finish line the development team feels is appropriate.

    2. More cosmetics. Perhaps special auras or pieces inaccessible until X vet level. The ever popular "status symbol"

    3. Post vet lv 100 - an enhancement of choice from a list of approved rewards every X levels. 


    I like alternate advancement, like EQ introduced way back when. I don't want to "retire a character" just because there's no incentive to keep progressing. If I want to stop playing a character, I would rather it be because I just have something else I want to do instead of a lack of options. 


    My 2 inf

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