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  1. Thank you, that's exactly what I wanted to know! I was worried I'd forever gimped myself into certain mission spawns regardless of team size, glad to know that's not that case!
  2. I selected a team size option of 1 just to see what it meant, but I cant seem to reset it. Does this mean that from now on I'll have to select the correct team size for every mission I run based on the amount of team members I have? Dont the missions usually auto adjust based on how many people are in your team? do I have to do that manually now? I cant seem to reset it after selecting an option, I'd rather the team size just adjust and scale automatically like it used to. Or am I misunderstanding what the team size modifier actually does? 🙂 Thanks
  3. Thanks for the all the help everyone, super insightful. At the moment I'm leaning toward Cold/Ice defender as I like the idea of keeping the Ice theme!
  4. I've just done the impossible and got my wife into CoH, she wants to play an ice/ice blaster so we will be duo'ing together! Whats the best character to support that? I know this is a tall order but if possible I'd like to play as some kind of controller as I've played so many melee characters it would be nice to switch it up. I accept that a blaster might need a tank or brute though so I am willing to roll one out. So yeah what AT do you guys would best suit an Ice/Ice blaster? Thanks!
  5. Im starting to think this might be the issue. I see so many people around my level playing solo, maybe I'll try forming teams myself from now..
  6. I'm on excelsior! I'd love to find a SG like this.
  7. Okay you guys have made me feel much better. I'm on excelsior at the moment so I'll stay positive and keep going for a while. I might roll out an empath on everlasting too and see what's up over there :). I have such fond memories of running frosty in the hollows with a packed team. Glad to see those days aren't over!
  8. I only recently discovered CoH was playable after having some of my best gaming experiences with it over 10 years ago. I booted it up today and while I love the game, nobody seems to team anymore. Back in the day I never used to do anything solo, I'd boot it up, find member, sort by level, DM the grayed out names (meaning they are in a team) and ask if they have space for me. Id spend the whole session in teams jumping from mission to mission, no matter what level I was. I saw 2, maybe 3 grayed out names in the search today, everyone else was solo. The only time I teamed up was for DfB and even then everyone bolted the second it was over. Have I been unlucky today or does everyone play this game solo now? The reason I love this game was because it seemed to be designed from the ground up for teams, instanced missions, barely any kill x enemies ect. What have you guys found? Im hoping I just got unlucky today but I'd love to hear what you guys think.
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