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Posts posted by Olympus

  1. Well, so far I'm loving almost all of the updates. The change I was most afraid of for character powers was the changes to energy mele. I didn't have stun in my build and still won't have room for the cone attack. Moving the position of the rather underpowered total focus makes total sense since it was so weak in relation to it's animation and recharge times. I enjoy the power much more now. I was most worried about energy transfer. Although I don't quite agree with the changes on that one I can live with it.


    If it's not too late to rethink the set changes here's what I'd rather have seen. Move the powers around the way you did but keep stun instead of power crash. Give it a 100 percent chance to disorient the target with the ability to do stun those around the target (4-5 enemies) at around a 60 percent chance to stun. Energy Transfer stays top power, keeps the recharge improvement, but stays the same damage level as before. I'd be fine if Energy Punch and Bone Smasher stayed the way they already were.

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