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Posts posted by Force

  1. With the addition of new endgame content post HOs, tanks have definitely become less important than they used to be.  Several things however will never change.  

    Agro management will always be needed on the majority of team based activities, perhaps not mob to mob but overall mob control is important.  

    A well built Brute may be able to do 90% of what a Tank can do, but a well built tank will take a pounding better than a well built brute.

    Different armor sets will always have different strengths, that WP brute might out live that Fire Tank, but compared side by side with respective builts tanks will always be top dog of survivability.

    Big fan of IOs, but the advantage for IOs won't go to the highest performer, but to the middle of the pack group (brutes) it will help them close the distance to having tank worthy #s.

  2. Great in theory, if there was at least 1 or 2 more servers.


    Had many reports tonight of friends waiting in 5 hour ques just to get DC'd ingame after not too long.  I managed about 2 hours before I had to walk the dog for 5 minutes and got afk DC'd.  It's just not a perfect system yet. 

    Which, I can't exactly bitch about because this entire endeavor is a work in progress and we've come a long way.  But I simply don't have the time to wait for 5 hours to play just to get the boot randomly and sit again for 5 hours. 


    Patience, it's a work in progress and will get better.



  3. Happened to me as well.


    I was able to contact the person ingame, had a nice chat.  He said that if I had the global @Force I must have been OG and he allowed be to have it back.  Pretty awesome fella. 


    So contact them, see how attached they are to it, be nice, and see how it goes.  Also bear in mind this is a test server and everything most likely be wiped at some point so you'll have another opportunity.

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