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Posts posted by Riddla

  1. 27 minutes ago, Replacement said:

    To this part, anyway, this has happened to me intermittently as far back as on Retail.


    Ty and yeah, it had happend pre-patch as well, but now it seems to be happening every single time without fail as soon as the parser hits a $$ it's supposed to save as part of a string. I used to be able to type and save it and it would work as long as you didn't go edit it to work around that problem, but now it's like it saves in the broken state already from first use.


    Sometimes I've also noticed the commands after the $$ (so petsay_all <em dance>) will actually be executed when SAVING the macro, so perhaps rather than saving the whole string as the macro, the $$ is now causing it to escape the macro creation entirely and be executed on my pets, I noticed once or twice when trying to create the macro that they started dancing as I saved it, so this seems plausible / related.

  2. Posting here as I made a topic and Night helpfully alerted me that this thread exists:


    I have the following example macros saved:

    /macro ULT em ultimatepower$$petsay_all <em ultimatepower>

    /macro DNC em bb$$petsay_all <em dance>


    ULT I saved a few weeks ago and still even now works perfectly every time. Ocassionally I'll edit my dance macro or rebind it to change the emotes and since the patch upon saving the pets aren't dancing. Editing the saved macro is now suddenly only showing "em bb" as being the entire command, so everything after the $$ has been stripped and discarded. Other times after editing the macro in the pop up (which I know is already bad) the pets just actually SAY "<em dance>" so it does pass through, but doesn't get recognized as a command.


    I tried it with /bind b to get a button press activation but still, the same result.


    If I do "/em bb$$petsay_all <em dance>" in chat it still works perfectly, so I have no idea where the problem actually is.


    Before the patch I would have deleted the macro and retyped it from scratch, which I did many times but now it's just broken every time for both macros and button binds. I cannot get pet commands to be passed through for saved strings, but live entry still works.

    EDIT: To say that I'm also having the flypose problem, anything like that no longer works properly in game, with the bind being put over the top of the default keybind and only triggering the pose swap AFTER you let go of W it seems, but yeah then you are stuck in one particular pose.

  3. Has something happened to macros and binds in the last patch?


    I have the following macros saved:

    /macro ULT em ultimatepower$$petsay_all <em ultimatepower>

    /macro DNC em bb$$petsay_all <em dance>


    ULT I saved a few weeks ago and works perfectly every time. Ocassionally I'll edit my dance macro or rebind it to change the emotes and since the patch upon saving the pets aren't dancing. Editing the saved macro is now suddenly only showing "em bb" as being the entire command, so everything after the $$ has been stripped and discarded. Other times after editing the macro in the pop up (which I know is already bad) the pets just actually SAY "<em dance>" so it does pass through, but doesn't get recognized as a command.


    I tried it with /bind b to get a button press activation but still, the same result.


    If I do "/em bb$$petsay_all <em dance>" in chat it still works perfectly, so I have no idea where the problem actually is.


    Before the patch I would have deleted the macro and retyped it from scratch, which I did many times but now it's just broken every time for both macros and button binds. I cannot get pet commands to be passed through for saved strings, but live entry still works.

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