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Everything posted by Mum

  1. Much welcome Doc!
  2. Conspiracy theorist? Really? Not going to give more than that to this portion of the discussion.
  3. Hi Doc! I have the perfect solution for controlling your pets (well....I cannot say absolutely perfect as pets tend to get weird pathing on stairs and other areas with multiple floors, where they run about randomly instead of going where they are told) as I have used this formula and can keep pets on a reasonably tight leash. Just go into "Options" tab then go to the final tab marked "Windows." After doing this scroll down to "Pets" and you will see the listing "Advanced Pet Controls" and enable this option. Doing this will allow you access to the finer controls for the pet such as Attack, Stay, Go To, etc. To access the commands just click on the tiny icon in the "Pet Window" after you summon your pets and there will be a drop down of the commands. Then click and drag each of these to a hot bar and then you can quick access these at any time.
  4. "If these were all PUGs, what do you expect? " I totally disagree with this concept ShardWarrior, Pugs have just as much of a mixture as SG's do, as groups in general will accept anyone that applies at the front door. Yes, most do have rules in place to out the unruly, however I have seen a few leaders more tolerant than others simply because they wish to "get along with the masses." I don't disagree or agree with this concept as everyone runs their ship as they see fit, and who am I to judge a leader's views. Pugs and SG's are what they are.....people or groups of people working for the same goal. JubaKumbi - "How does 'pugs bad at following instructions' become 'players activiely sabotaging'other players'? So, you had trouble getting a badge that like others point out is about a 50/50 shot most of the time on a PUG, and your FIRST inclination is to post on the ofrums that other players are actively trying to ruin your fun..." "You are not actively helping me, so you are a bad person" is no way to treat other gamers. I see I need to clarify this more, as there are a group of individuals that will sabotage groups simply for the fun of doing so. Possibly one person with a bunch of alts or possibly a group of people with the same agenda. Who knows with the ability to make a bunch of alts? It only takes one team member to ruin a badge run by killing a single corpse....not the entire team. I have chatted with other members teams and team leaders on a member's behavior of sabotage and many agree there is a problem. Some have said ignorance and stupidity are at play when people do not listen to simple instructions at the beginning of a run. Thus, it is not just me posting here and finally speaking out. I'm just one of the few finally willing to say something and not grumble in a corner while nothing is said openly on 'bad behavior." "You got the badge then? Congrats!" Thanks Huang!
  5. "Tell everyone to stay at the top of the "hill" that goes down to Meinst. Go down, use something to pull her, and run back up to that spot." This idea worked like a charm and many huge thanks to Grey Cat for reminding me of an old school tactic in overcoming a difficult mob surrounded by yard trash. ♥♥♥♥♥ "There's also cases where you bring a MM and they let their pets act on their own, negligence once again (I see some people outright tell MMs to get rid of their pets sometimes before engaging)." I totally disagree with this mindset Zork, as I run dozens of variations of MM's and keep a tight knit on my pets...and have succeeded in quite a few boss raids on the corpse boss. "But I don't think i've ever seen anyone intentionally target the extra zombies. Either that or i've never noticed, it can be pretty crazy in there at times." I have seen people intentionally target corpses and when they are outted in chat they come up with excuses like: -"I just got out of the hospital and thought he was dead"- -"This is a stupid badge and a dumb mission that no one needs anyway"-
  6. Interesting idea...thanks Greycat!
  7. Today I ran a series of DFB's (Death from Below), only to end up with every one of them as a fail because I discovered there is a group of individuals intentionally throwing the game by attacking corpses before the boss is down. This is not an isolated incident, as this has happened on numerous toons I have started. It is beyond frustration and needs GM intervention to get these people's minds focused on either helping people to succeed or stay out of the areas where they have become griefers and not fellow players. I understand not everyone likes to run the same content over and over but do not take it to another level and harassment add as a way to combat boredom.
  8. I am submitting this as per GM Coldspark's suggestion, as I guess this is the first time this glitch has been encountered. During the storyline "Help defend the Shining Stars Base" mission, I was attacked by Twinshot on the 3rd floor after I confused one of the mobs. This is the first time I have encountered this as I enjoy doing this mission and have other toons with the same power. My apologies for not having a screenshot of the incident
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