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Ryu Okinawa

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  1. Yeah Grouchy explained how to do it and took their time to explain it with their words that seem genuine and sincere I didn't understand what you were talking about when you were trying to mention how to change the graphics in moment your words seemed off putting and insincere.
  2. Does anyone know how to delete a account
  3. Can you elaborate on that what do you mean?
  4. What do you mean?
  5. You know the graphics or playstyle basically how it moves the graphics for champions online I think are really great but I don't think the stories is that great and city of heroes the stories are great but the graphics our outdated they should upgrade it maybe champions online should become city of heroes what I mean is maybe they should use there graphics
  6. I think it totally be awesome worth it doesn't matter how long it takes I mean City of heroes have been closed for years and took time to come back and get a liscene again so who's to say what will happen in a couple of years
  7. Maybe city of heroes can remaster and bring it to console
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