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Posts posted by SlyfoX

  1. First of all im not a Native English Speaker, so im pretty sure i will write some thing wrong ^^ (guten Tag from Germany)


    There is a thing that really bugs me and that is that i mostly played all lvl 50 avaiable Storyarcs a dozent times and no new lvl 50 Storyarcs have come for a long time 😞

    And running lvl 50 Paper or Radio Missions feels like a tasteless meal.

    On the other side we have SO MANY good Storyarcs in the Lvl range from 40-45, it really bother me that u lvl so fast out there. REALY GOOD underratet Storyarcs!

    Is it possible to make the lvl 40 storyarcs avayable till 50? That woud be AWESOME! Also the 40 Storyarcs finaly have their Time to Shine

    The lvl 45-50 can stay the way they are, they just get added to the pool when u get 45

    I think both sides will have a huge Benefit then and u also have more "lvl 50 Content without any HUGE Work"

    Sure u have Oro but u can´t inv new players into it while u running it

    And we often build a team where we run lvl 50 Story Missions arcs, and not all players have some hours to stay so thats why i think an opening of the 40 arcs till 50 woud be better then just to replay it in oro with a small team or solo


    Dear Devs is this possible? 

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  2. ok i found a Chat Bug,


    Go into the chat and the first letter u type is the spacebar then still typing what ever u want 


    You dont see what u write atm

    so u press enter or tap out nothing happens.


    if u get back to chat and start typing again, the text that u have writen before will come back


    can u pls fix it?

    Thx Sly 😄

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