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Posts posted by UncouthJoker

  1. Hey all. After waffling from various characters for a while, I finally landed on a tanker with Invulnerability and Super Strength. I recently hit level 25 and realized I’m not sure what I need to be working towards or even how to get wherever “there” is. Hoping you guys can shed some light so I can be both effective on a team as well as make my concept work.


    The power concept is Superman, because I am a very simple man. I’ve been taking everything in the Invulnerability tree, taken Jab, Haymaker, Taunt, and Knockout Blow from Super Strength. Dipped into the Fighting pool to have Boxing and Cross Punch. 

    My two biggest questions are these:


    1) Is there an easy to follow Superman build out there? I’ve seen a few but they seem to assume a strong knowledge of the game and the intricacies of how everything works together.


    2) What enhancements should I be spending my merits on, and what powers should I slot them?


    Since I’m still pretty much a wet behind the ears newbie, I really appreciate any feedback and advice you all can provide.

  2. This is great info, thank you! I’ll definitely check out those channels. And I think Krow was running the costume contest I showed up for last night (I did not win but it was still cool to see a bunch of awesome designs, so c’est la vie). 

    Thanks for the warm welcome, folks! Look forward to running into you guys out there.

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  3. Hey all. I’m pretty new to the game. I played it forever ago when a roommate had CoH on his computer but never got very far with any particular character. I’m excited to give a a real go this time. I’d like to meet some folks who are in the RP community but don’t really know how to make that happen. Sooner or later I’d like to join a super group too.


    After trying a few different characters I settle on a street justice/shield defense scrapper named Starbrighter as my main, so if you see me in game and are feeling friendly say hi! 

    Looking forward to doing the hero thing!

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