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Posts posted by free2

  1. 12 hours ago, Koopak said:

    No you will not be permitted. I recognize that Stalker crit rate is heavily dependent on Teams but this can be loosely calculated for. More importantly it would necessitate all competitors be able to get 7 account to stand around to boost their performance to compete which is an impractical requirement.

    Copy just making sure no one doing anything sneaky or I'm not doing something that I could be 

  2. On 2/18/2024 at 12:53 PM, VertigoIguana said:


    Yeah, thorns was really surprising to me. I never really looked at it much before now. I'm not super sold on Caltrops though.  It doesn't proc that reliably, and it takes 45 seconds to do it's full damage (Hopefully the pylon should be long dead by then).


    I tried swapping out Impale for Thorny Barrage, but wasn't getting times as fast (even though on paper it's better DPA).  I think most of the heavy lifting in my build is still coming from Skewer, and faster recharge (from Geas + Offensive booster) and prioritizing shorter filler activations (Build up/Impale) gives me more pokes per second.  Tried to record some videos, wasn't able to capture a 32 second video on Thorn yet, but here's a 33.  Chain is the same, 32 is just lucky timing I think.


    I think Frosticus's build could hit it (or better) pretty easily if Geas and booster were used like I did.






    All that said, I did try Radiation Assault again, but wasn't getting anything better than Thorn so I switched gears over to Illusion/Martial/Mace, and boy did that pay off.


    The build is still very similar to my others...the main difference from the Thorn build is that I squeezed in a kismet and Tactics to boost up the snipe a little.  The theory I had with martial was that since envenomed blades carries over to pets...and one thing Illusion has is a lot of pets....that might be enough to push me under the 30 second mark.  Took a bit of playing around with the timing to make sure envenomed blades was staying up on the most pets possible until the end of the fight, but I think I have it mostly dialed in now.  Had a bunch of low 30's, and then I caught this one - 29 Seconds.  Please forgive the jutter on the video....first time trying to record, not sure what happened there.


    I tried weaving in caltrops as well (proc'd out), but wasn't getting times as good with it.


    Run Type: Pylon (Open Beta)
    Archetype: Dominator
    Primary Powerset: Illusion
    Secondary Powerset: Martial Assault

    Time in seconds: Best: 29 Seconds

    Burst: Burst - due to Geas
    Hybrid: Assault - Radial* (toggled on)
    Number of Runs: 1
    Version: Open Beta 27.7.5886.1 (RC3.5)
    Video Link: N/A

    Temps Used: Offensive Amp, Dagger, and Geas (No insps or Lores)



    Build attached:

    Pylon Dominator (Illusion Control - Martial Assault).mbd 45.46 kB · 17 downloads

    i dont know if you noticed but you do have a QA powers buff on your ill/martial 29s test

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