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Posts posted by LordofChaos

  1. Thank you Rose and Trixie for hosting this contest. I had a lot of fun trading ideas and tours with the other contestants, and even the insane amount of midnight oil I burned scrambling to complete my overly ambitious sub-level by the contest deadline.


    Gio and Dacy, Congratulations and thank you both for your kind endorsements. You were my building gurus, and you both inspired me to take my build to the next level. With every base build, I learn more that I can apply to the next project.


    The Chaos base will continue to grow, but I think the aforementioned next project will be to remodel my old starship base, the Titan, to incorporate some of the ideas I got from Dacy's Oranderite.


    I'll see you all in the Base Builders Inc chat channel.



  2. Global: @Chaos Girl

    Villain Group: The Masters of Disaster

    Base: The Realm of Chaos

    Passcode: CHAOS-10311

    Status: DONE


    This is a Villain Group Base, Arcane themed. It is designed as an island sanctuary, floating in an endless sea of primal chaos. It has existed for countless millennia, and undergone several periods of occupancy, as evidenced by the mix of architectural styles. The functional areas of the base (Portals, Storage, Services, etc) can be found in the middle level, just below the surface. You can access it from the surface by going through the door guarded by the two dogs.

    The upper level is outdoor, seen in the picture below. This area is largely barren, cluttered with various flotsam that has fallen through dimensions and washed up here. It is dominated by the four (Well, three) mystical pylons which serve to repel larger debris from crashing into the island.

    The lower levels are deep underground in the base of the island, centered around its volcanic core.

    This base is MASSIVE, and I built it to be explored. Take your time, turn off your travel powers, and look around. There are a number of secret passages, easter eggs, and hidden rooms in it, and not every path is obvious.


    A bit of background on the Realm of Chaos: The Lords of Chaos created the Sanctuary to allow their champions to enter their realm without being driven mad by the chaos around them. They thus allowed a powerful seed of crystallized Order to enter their realm. This crystal immediately began to aggregate solid matter around itself, endlessly battling against the primal chaos of the dimension itself. Over time, this chunk of solid matter grew larger, allowing humans to exist near it in a (mostly) earthlike balance of order and chaos. This is not to say the place is not weird. Anything constructed here is subject to being warped by the warring energies of order and chaos, so the laws of normal physics do not always apply.

    Not all of the chosen Champions of Chaos have embraced their role, and thus lacked the power to open a portal to the sanctuary, and fewer still have gained the arcane knowledge to even know to try. But since the dawn of time, enough have made their way here to leave their mark on the place. Some have used it as a hideout, or a residence. Others have founded cults with the sanctuary as base of operations. The most recent occupant, the supervillainess Khaotika, is content to use it as a base for her criminal gang.


    Points of interest:
    -The portal room. Constructed in ancient times by powerful mystics, these whirling portals can transport you to just about anyplace.


    -The Library. A small collection of exceedingly rare books on the Arcane. It is currently being researched by the Midnighters, under special arrangement. They can offer enhancements, training, and even access to the Crystal of Ice and Fire.


    -The Laboratory. Once a mystic workshop, remodeled in the late 19th century by a Champion with a scientific bent (or mad scientist, if you prefer) The lab is now a place to store salvaged artifacts and forge them into power enhancements. You can also find one of the Facemakers in there, working on something... unsavory, which Arachnos would not allow her to work on in the Isles.


    -The USS Eldridge. A US Navy Destroyer, which was used in the famed "Philadelphia Experiment." It was supposed to become radar invisible Instead, it vanished, reportedly reappeared hundreds of miles away, then vanished altogether. Its fate was unknown until it washed ashore high above the Sanctuary, after drifting who knows how long in the timeless void of the Chaos Dimension. The fate of most of its skeleton crew is still unknown, but for a few poor souls trapped on the ship, fused into the very steel of the deckplates. They are apparently alive, but too long insane to tell you anything coherent.


    -The "Green Room" Long ago, a group of seven wizards gave their lives to empower a giant crystal with life-energy. This crystal's radiation enables edible food plants to grow even from the barren stone of the cave walls, providing a permanent food supply for the sanctuary. The remains of the wizards are still there. No one is quite sure if they meant to sacrifice themselves, or whether their spell malfunctioned and killed them, but whatever, you should try the fruit. It's delicious.


    -The Underground Lake. If your explorations take you to a large underground lake, swimming is not recommended. Some sort of monster lives in its waters. Beware.


    -The Crystal Chasm. Deep under the lake is an enormous underground ravine, natural source of the beautiful crystals used to construct the portal room. Once spanned by a stone bridge, it is now crossed by a much flimsier construction after time and cave-ins destroyed the original. Cross at your own risk. The chasm may be bottomless.


    -The Volcanic Core. If you find yourself here, at the deepest part of the sanctuary, and can survive the treacherous climb and stifling heat, you may chance to see the Order Crystal itself, around which the whole island formed. Best not to mess with it though. If anything were to happen to it, the whole island would soon be torn back into its component fragments and lost in the surrounding chaos.


    -The Dungeon. Partway down into the volcanic core, you may find the dungeon, where enemies of the champions are sent to be forgotten, or put to unspeakable tortures. I wouldn't spend much time there, lest you find yourself in one of the cells.


    -The Chamber of Lords. The unwary explorer may find themself in the audience chamber of the Lords of Chaos themselves. These mysterious entities manifest in very different ways. One of them is even fond of manifesting as a glowing bucket of Flander's Chicken (Don't ask, and do NOT eat the chicken.) They are unpredictable by nature, and if you meet them it is best to be polite, and perhaps they will not judge you too harshly when you leave.


    @Chaos Girl - Excelsior 


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