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Posts posted by AxerJax

  1. Think groups are going to be bouncing around to players as each casts Fold Space? The tanker casts it,  then the blaster for his nuke, then the stormie for hurricane, then whichever other characters have pbaoes they want to explode? That may not happen at all, but it seems like enemies could be pingponged a bit. Not everyone is going to be investing in the Teleport tree though, of course. It'll probably be fine. Kind of interesting thinking about this power going off multiple times per encounter, though.

  2. I've fallen for stalkers to the point where scrappers seem like a waste -- any thoughts on this unconventional stalker pairing? I accidentally made an awesome Dark Elf, and while I could do DB/SR, I feel SR is perhaps a little too boring, even though it has the excellent +rech.


    Any wisdom for making this pairing badass without purple sets? Can't afford them. Would DB/DA really be much better on a scrapper? I can't go back to such crit scarcity...

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