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Posts posted by pumpkin98

  1. I'm opposed to making the entire game easy mode.  A task force should be more difficult than contact missions, and when a fully kitted out incarnate can solo a task force on a team of eight, then something is clearly broken.


    The problem arises because of two polar opposite play styles.  On live, the TFs were designed to be played on the way up to 50, with min level and min team size requirements.  Now, many players farm to 50 and exempt to do the TFs.


    The need is to have a game mechanic that allows both play styles to enjoy the TF while on the same team.  There's nothing worse than being a low level and slogging through a Synapse only to have the exemplared fully kitted brute solo the AV before the rest of the team can even get half way through the final mission, and yes, that has happened to me.


    What I suggest is more TFs that require unique powers to complete like TV which has the radiation shield and core coolant.  BTW, make the rad damage higher in TV so that every player needs a shield.  Some players now can stand there and laugh at the rad and it shouldn't be that easy.  Also, make the shield generator a walk through so pets can get the shield.


    For some AVs, give every team member a unique TF power, not just one person (Synapse), and require at least half of the team members use their TF power to defeat the AV.  This way the soloers can still solo, but can't hog the final fight on a team TF.


    Some TFs could include missions where you lose all of your own powers and get a handful of powers specific that mission, something like those solo missions where that happens.


    Another mechanic that could be added is an AV that can only be defeated after it delivers X amount of damage.  This wouldn't be the same as end drain, and would make the fight dynamic unique to that AV.

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