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Posts posted by Neji_Hawke

  1. I have discovered something else I would love to be added in that is kind of there. And that is a changes to doppelganger enemy, to allow it to be the entire group or a random member of the group. This way you can create a little more chaos with it and it can be used to create some interesting stories. The only other change is to give a couple more style changes. Example Black&White is there, another fun option to this would be Red&Blue kind of like an anaglyph 3D version of the doppelganger. Just some ideas.

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  2. Made story arch that I am looking for some feedback on and some insight on what I can do to improve on my next one. The goal of this Arch was to be challenging but give a decent save the world story. I wanted to make it for groups of 4 or more. It can be run solo but I really want it to be good for full teams. With a bit of chaos in the last mission.  

    Arc ID: 60727


  3. 12 hours ago, TheZag said:

    ... provide as many details as possible...


    So I tend to enter with Fly on, as well as I am normally above the door frame. The character that gets effected most has a height in the 6ft range, also has Combat Jump on as well, and is a Dual Blade Will Power Brute. My character is using the SK-2 Shrike Wings (doubt this is having any effect unless it's a hitbox glitch).

  4. So I have to go talk to a detective for bank mission and I can get it, but for some reason every time I go into Peregrine Island police department I get thrown into "Foot" Cam like this Foot Cam Glitch. I know that other's have had similar event occur at random with just regular mission and they had to close the game fully to fix it, but I wasn't sure if PI's police department is perma glitched. It's happened all three times I've gone in there. So mainly just figured I bring it up here in case it hasn't been reported but I pretty sure it has. And if it's not specific to this sight and is supposedly a random glitch then I think the game is telling my Praetorian brute she's not allowed to be a cop. 

  5. AE Tittle: The Rathian Returns 
    Arc ID: 57024

    I just want some reviews and thoughts on how this AE is going. It is still a work in progress, I am still cleaning up, adding bio info to characters and testing. Any thoughts on how I can improve it or if something is missed spelled please let me know. Thank you.

  6. On 6/3/2023 at 10:18 AM, starro said:

    Enhance story telling:  User created cut screen tool for short dialogue between characters or a narrator.  Trigger would be start, one event during mission or end of mission.

    For me this is the biggest thing I would want but I know would be just scripting hell, just like branching stories. 

    Now if a normal branching story can't be done, I wonder if we could branch by setting up a check system that lets us hide the AE unless they complete another AE by fail or success. 

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  7. Hi all, I recently got back into making AE stories, and had this idea and want to get some feedback on the concept. one I am not sure if people use it or even pay attention to "return dialog" and two would it be worth it to give up all 3 AE slots to do 1 branching story? Also I'm not even sure if it's a new idea or if someone has done it. So the concept is to make 1 story with a branch, but AE doesn't technically allow for branching of it's story, however my idea is to make a 3 mission arc with the 3rd mission being fallible. From here use the return fail dialogue put in the ID for one arc where you fail, but if you don't fail the success dialog will have a different ID to allow players to finish the story completely different from the other arc. 

    If there are AE arc like this could you please share them so I can see how they did theirs. Please and thank you.

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