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His Most Royal HighAss

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  1. I don't see the issue since you can have a thousand characters in each server why not just create a new character.
  2. They probably turned that off because of the game economics. I played before the auction houses where added and players would find some really low level player and dump millions of inf on them because after about level 20 or so you earned more than you could possibly spend. I would not be all that shocked it there where level 50 players who had billions of inf. When the auction house was first opened up people where paying thousands of inf for the most common items. I was part of a super group where I became the owner of the group because everyone else left and I raided the stock house before deleting the super group. This was just before the auction house was opened and with everything I raided I sold all of it in the auction house and I had hundreds of millions of inf within a matter of weeks. I lost it all when I let my subscription laps of course.
  3. Its a matter of bragging rights. If you can go back and get it there are no bragging rights and anyone can do it. Right now you could level up a character in a matter of hours all that says is you found the fastest way to level up which is not much of a deal or to brag about. If you have to go though the effort of earning ten fold XP it says that you went through a lot more effort to get there and something worth some bragging rights.
  4. I dont want to be turning XP on and off all of the time I just want to earn less. I wish they had an option other than 1 or 0
  5. I have characters on all five servers.
  6. I wish there was some way to make it so one does not earn EX as fast. Like at charter creation one could pick as an advanced player hard mode where one earns one tenth 1/10 the XP of normal. The reward is a badge say at 5th 10th 20th 30th 40th and 50th levels. Now at any time one could turn off hard mode but once turned off it can never be turned back on so if one want to earn the 50th level badge one must play in hard mode the entire time the player is leveling that character. I am frustrated that when I makes enemies powerful enough to make them into an actual challenge to make the game actually fun I am leveling up so fast, sometimes I might actually level up one and a half levels in only one single mission, where I level past a story ark long before I ever finish it.
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