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Everything posted by TheSpoonMaestro

  1. I am currently leveling a Titan Weapons / Fiery Aura scrapper, and I want feed back on the build. For flavor reasons, I need flight(and combat jumping for movement control) but otherwise I am flexible on powers. Most other fiery aura build took burn, but I haven't tried it yet. Is it worth it in titan weapons? Should I take the revive, or taunt? I am also worried about endurance, as I am currently struggling with endurance usage before I take the leadership powers. Is their a different Ancillary pool worth taking, especially if I take ageless to solve the endurance problems? Scrapper (Titan Weapons - Fiery Aura).mbd
  2. These are super useful! I didn't realize I was over capping accuracy, that is good to know. The issue with adding accuracy to the pets is that I am already approaching the limit of how much I can add. which Incarnates should I go for? Should I just go for musculature, or would It not add damage because of hitting the damage cap with Fulcrum shift? If I did something else, what should it be?
  3. I am a new players whose recently got his first 50 on my Robots/Kin Mastermind. I don't really know how to slot it. What do I want on this character? I made a build, but it is a little directionless, and I have not bought it yet. I also have no idea how to add incarnates once I get them. Suggestions? Digital Spring.mxd
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