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Citizen Razor

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Posts posted by Citizen Razor

  1. 16 hours ago, TheOtherTed said:

    Edited to add - the Galaxy City tutorial also has a badge, but, to be honest, the badge ticked me off so much on Live that I never bothered with the GC tutorial again.


    A quick Google search shows that the Galaxy City tutorial badge, "Knowledgeable," apparently had to be purchased through the Paragon Markets in legacy.   The badge has since then been moved to Echo: Atlas Park.  So currently, there is no badge to earn in the Galaxy City tutorial. 


    Others have covered alternative methods to get the tutorial badges for Outbreak, Breakout, and Going Rogue. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, DrZeus said:

    I’m writing this to try to get other people’s observations.  Have you noticed the same things?   Have you noticed positive aspects of these changes?  Obviously if the game were the way it was back in Beta then few people would play it now, as games and the expectations thereof have changed drastically, I’m certainly not pitching for that… or anything else.  Just wondering if others had similar experiences when exploring homecoming, what else they found, and what they’ve done to mitigate the drawbacks.


    One of the nifty "side effects" of the NCSoft shut-down, and the ensuring private servers that we have today, is that there is now a variety of choices to choose from.  Homecoming is but one of several options out there.  Currently the most popular option, sure, but there are others.


    Search around, and you'll likely find a private server where the devs agree with your "old-school" vision of CoH.   (Likewise, there are also other private servers where the devs consider the changes made so far in "Homecoming" to be somewhat conservative, and have made even more changes.)

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  3. Right now, Null the Gull shows you who you still need to defeat to get the Dimensional Warder badge. Which is awesome.  


    Would it be possible to expand this functionality to the other accolade badges that tracks "hidden" figures?  Such as the Invention badges where you have to craft X of Lv 45 & X of Lv50 (plus one of either) to get the badge.  Or the Anger Manager / Vandal badge where you have to destroy 25 mailboxes, 25 pay phones, 25 hydrants, and 25 newspaper stands.  



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  4. Good point.  And I also didn't think about the potential pitfalls of solo players farming TFs for the merits as EBs would be easier than AVs, as well as discouraging teaming in general.  


    One possible work-around would be to have the "in-game" TFs always have AVs no matter what, and have these give out the full rewards, while the Ouroboros version allow for EBs and offer half the rewards (so, for example, if a TF gives 50 reward merits, the Ouroboros version would give 25 merits).  

  5. I haven't played since shutdown, so if this has already been addressed let me know and I'll close this post.  


    I realize that a lot has already been done to make Task/Strike Forces more soloable.  You can start it alone, simultaneous glowies have been changed, etc.  However, I was wondering if it was at all possible to make the Archvillain / Elite Boss switch apply to Task/Strike Forces as well?


    A lot has changed in the past 9 years, and I don't have the time or ability to join long-term task forces anymore (taking care of three kids will do that), but wouldn't mind being able to do a solo Positron or solo Dr. Quarterfield on my own time without being concerned that I can't take the final AV(s) down and being unable to complete them.  


    Edited:  This could be done as missions/quests given out in Ouroboros. 

  6. This has been an interesting discussion, and I think both sides raise valid points.  


    I think it's partly because being "heroic" just feels better than being "villainous" and players will naturally be drawn to blueside.  That's certainly a factor.


    However, the fact that CoH was first, had developed a playerbase for at least two years, and started out with vastly more missions, zones, and quests than CoV did definitely plays into it.  While it is true that the CoH developers learned from a lot of their mistakes and did a lot to fix them when they launched CoV (less pointless zones, more streamlined missions/quests, etc.) the result actually played into CoH's favor. 


    I think had CoH/CoV been both launched at the same time, and had both sides started out with an equal amount of gameplay, the player base wouldn't be so tilted in favor of blueside.  However, redside was doomed all the way back in 2004 simply by virtue of not being present when CoH launched.  


    If I had the money, the time, the coding skills, and the writing skills (spoiler:  I don't have any of these things), I'd take the CoH assets and attempt to create a "mirror" game that reimagines CoH in a way that provides more balance to both sides.  One way I'd start would be to take many of the "Hazard" zones in CoH and turn them into co-op zones, and streamline the CoH zones (ditching one of Steel Canyon / Skyway City, moving all of the ditched zone's assets over to the remaining zone, and having one blueside Lv10-15 zone, for example).  But then that's a completely new game.  

  7. One thing I would like is an AE-style ability to put your own custom-created NPCs (taken from the character creation screen) into the bases and give them poses / animations.  I have no idea if this is even possible given how complex the coding for the bases is, but thought I'd drop this suggestion. 

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  8. Thanks to Nostromo21 (and all the other participants in this thread.  I was finally able to figure out how to get all three sets of vidiotmaps onto my Mac copy of Homecoming.  Nostromo21's comment about missing files in his folder led me to the culprit (apparently when I was copying over the folders, the "replaced" folders interpreted "replace" as "remove the entire previous folder and put this one in its place," hence a lot of the maps were missing).  


    I'm all set now with the pretty, pretty badge locations.  

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