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Very Difficult

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Posts posted by Very Difficult

  1. I'm not really too great with builds or anything but I'm a huge stalker player, I currently run a Stj/EA and I fucking love it, but now I'm trying to get a nice EM/EA Single Target destroyer. Influence isn't a huge issue, I got about 1B+ sitting around for something new! I appreciate the help.

    Also note; I have seen the build in croax's post, however I was trying to see if there was something that might potentially be better as I have more INF

  2. I understand the idea on not having players just spam click the teleport button whenever they please and replacing it with an actual summoning portal, but I don't think the cooldown on the thing should be 30 minutes long. People are way too used to being able to just teleport whenever they please, myself included. It could've been done that you can't use it in combat, or have a shorter cooldown instead of being able to click it whenever.

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