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  1. I mean, 54 AVs have 87% end drain/recovery debuff resistance and the purple patch reduces end sapping by another 52%, AND their base endurance is 800 instead of 100... so they're really not that easy to sap. A Defender's Thunderous Blast only drains 0.8% of an AV's endurance bar unenhanced.
  2. So, Archvillains and Giant Monsters have a minimum endurance of 10, and continue to use powers regardless. I've heard this is because it breaks certain scripts, but it means that, for example, Elec Control/Melee/Assault/Manipulation, their secondary effects are ONLY relevant with an Elec Blast character in the party. While I'm all for the Shocked proc coming to other classes, I'd like to make another suggestion that could work in tandem. Add a power to Archvillains that applies an unresistable scaling Recharge and/or Damage Dealt debuff to them as long as they have below, say, half maximum endurance. (Going on the listed numbers on City of Data, where they have 800 base endurance, make it -1% recharge for every 20 points below 400.) A minor control effect that makes sapping boss endurance at least a LITTLE useful. Make it feel like you HAD sapped their endurance without being the hard lock it is on non-boss enemies.
  3. This is... obviously not something I expect to be particularly easy, but with the Tech Knight staff, reactor w/fx, capacitor w/fx, shield, and mace, the glow is locked to the same color as the surrounding material. In a lot of design cases, I want the glow to be the OTHER color I'm using so that there's more contrast - a green orb held in a black staff, for example. I have no idea how plausible this would be, but I'd love variants of these costumes that made the glow the OTHER color of the costume piece.
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  4. I have no idea how feasible this is in practice, but as someone playing through Praetoria as a member of the Resistance using their rifle model, I'd love to be able to get the same bright-blue flashes and pew-pew laser noises as my non-player comrades-in-arms. Changing color palettes for it would be nice, but I imagine much more work.
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  5. Meteor's damage is the same as the mode. Dual Pistols underperforms when not loaded with incendiary ammo. Game information is contradicted by City of Data's information, so I'm not sure what to trust (my sheet was based on CoData). Definitely possible I missed something, but please see my earlier posts for discussion of the various damage splits.
  6. Basically just what the title says, really. Odd outlier.
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  7. Here's a version of the numbers while at the target cap, and a version that assumes that only 16% of the enemies will be within the area, as the 8 yard radius murder zone is 16% of the area of the standard 20 foot Sentinel nuke. This is equal to Sentinel's 16% chance to crit with Full Auto, but still sees it fall the furthest behind of the Sentinel nukes, while Rain of Arrows' 16 target cap and lack of damage split pushes it far ahead. Sentinel's Full Auto has, incidentally, the exact same area as the other Sentinel nukes (as a cone instead of a circle), which I guess explains the reduction in size from Blaster's version, which is a little over 2.5 times as large as any other AoE. Aim having a range boost and syncing up with it is nice, I guess. It's also worth noting that even while Sentinel does have Aim, every Blaster has some equivalent of Build Up (though the random critical versions pair less well with nukes, of course). And Also Defiance Is There. But also Vulnerability is there. So... I don't know. The randomness of Sentinel Full Auto's crits means that unlike all (non-archery) nukes, they can't guarantee the overlap of Vulnerability and the bonus damage, which kind of sucks. I guess I'd like to see Sentinel Full Auto instead standardized to deal its bonus damage to a narrower cone (It'd be 14.4 degrees, rounding whichever way, to get that same 16%), and Full Auto, Blizzard, and Hail of Bullets brought UP to the damage/recharge time of other Sentinel nukes (putting Incendiary Hail of Bullets closer to Geyser 3 and Inferno) while getting Overcharge brought down to the same level as Inferno. (Possibly improving Blizzard's damage by extending its duration from 8 to 10 seconds? I don't know, the terrible control of Ice Blast Sentinel in comparison to the other ATs is really disappointing, and losing the highest damage ability WHICH IS ALSO the best control ability sucks SUPER hard.) No damn clue what to do with Hail of Arrows, since apparently it's massively OVERperforming as well as easier to use. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ EDIT: Also I just noticed that all of Auto Rifle Sentinel's ingame descriptions are just the Blaster ones, and include Defiance and Blaster's 10% crit chance on Full Auto. That should probably be fixed.
  8. To be fair, we've got effects like Shiver now, which has a narrow Fear cone and a wider Slow cone, the randomness of it interacts pretty unfavorably with Sentinel's single-target focus, and the cone being half the length means it's 0.25 times the area, compared to most Sentinel nukes being a 0.64 times the size of other ATs.
  9. My whole point isn't about comparing Sentinels to other classes, I'm comparing specifically AR and Archery Sentinels to other Sentinels, where the abilities are inordinately weaker than every other SENTINEL nuke for unclear reasons.
  10. I... just shared the numbers from City of Data there. Uniform recharge, yes, all 90 seconds. Which is why the wildly varying actual damage per activation is so notable, and what I'm actually posting about. The Blaster nukes - or Corruptor Nukes, or Defender Nukes, it doesn't actually MATTER - are there because the assumption would be that an ability with a 50% longer recharge would deal more damage to compensate for it. Again, the difference between Blaster and Sentinel damage scalars is only 1.125 to 1.1 - a miniscule amount, smaller than any of the discrepancies noted. Sentinel Full Auto has no reason to have one quarter the area, one and a half times LONGER a cooldown, AND the lowest damage of any Sentinel nuke. I'm not saying it should be as powerful as the Blaster one, I'm saying it shouldn't be THIS much weaker. Sentinel nukes are weakened compared to their Blaster, Corruptor, and Defender counterparts implicitly because they have a shorter recharge in most cases, so why do the two cases where the recharge is LENGTHENED also suffer?
  11. Despite having a longer cooldown than the Blaster version, they both deal MUCH less damage. The full auto cone is also half the size. While I get that Sentinel nukes are supposed to hit less targets, having a longer cooldown, hitting for only 80% of the damage per tick, not having the burst of full auto damage at the end, and having a cone half as long (a QUARTER the total area!) means that the Sentinel version is absurdly weak. While less egregious, Sentinel Rain of Arrows does still have a longer cooldown while only doing 80% of the damage, rather than the 97% we'd expect if they had the same cooldown. Given the Sentinel version is a LONGER recharge, shouldn't it be stronger as a result? That said, Blaster Full Auto appears to be coded to still only hit 10 targets, and Sentinel Rain of Arrows appears to hit 16, so I have no idea if that's influencing things here. Even accounting for that, it means that Full Auto and Rain of Arrows are disastrously weak for Sentinels. The standard for Sentinels appears to be having a damage-per-recharge on their nukes about 1.25 times that of Blasters, though it varies quite dramatically. (Presumably because the burst damage is highly valued for its ability to end fights quickly more than slightly higher sustain, but I don't know for sure.) Attached is a spreadsheet showing a comparison of Blaster vs Sentinel nuke numbers (the Storm Blast ones are likely incorrect; this was calculated when I didn't know about the internal lightning cooldown and was based on the assumption that you'd have a chance to trigger it every 1.33 seconds rather than, y'know, 1.17 to 4.) Final column shows how far off the Sentinel is from the Blaster damage-per-cooldown numbers - more favorable than I expected in many areas, but incredibly far behind on the two biggest offenders. While I'd be sad to see Sentinels lose their few edges here, I'd nonetheless prefer it if the playing field was even across the board.
  12. Would really love it if Ice Mastery's Frozen Armor and Stone Mastery's Rock Armor had the same Minimal FX variants that the Stalker/Scrapper/Brute/Tanker/Sentinel versions did (as well as possibly Lava/Crystal versions of Rock Armor). Customization-wise, being stuck with the giant bulky looks is really disappointing and pushes me towards Scorpion Shield just for aesthetics alone a lot of the time!
  13. I mean, alright, but Echo: Atlas Park does have it, and it's great, and I'd love to see that functionality extended.
  14. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that unlike Galaxy City, Echo: Atlas Park is fully functional, even allowing you to do the full 'arcs' from the original contacts in city hall. I'd absolutely love to see this functionality added to Echo: Galaxy City so people can play through CoH As It Was At Launch... at least, for the first five levels. (In part because I'd love to see Prince Kiros Nandelu and Antonio Nash given their correct mission pools - at the moment, Kiros talks about his TROUBLED UPBRINGING while his contact information talks about him being an African Prince.) I'd also like it if you could go from the Outbreak tutorial directly to the Echo of Atlas (or Galaxy) for the same reasons. (I'd also love an Echo of Mercy Isle but I realize that would be FAR more work... so.)
  15. Contacts already have coding in place to function when the player has outlevelled them - their story arcs will continue to their completion and each further mission will just be issued at the cap instead. Without changing anything else, it would be frankly wonderful if we didn't outlevel contacts at all. Like, I don't care if they don't scale, I'd just love for First Ward to not suddenly end because I hit level 30 and then have to awkwardly go to Ouroboros and miss out on all the original contact introduction dialogue and so on. I'd love Twinshot to stop telling me I missed my chance for no reason. I'd love to not have to pause my XP in order to actually do all the redside storylines 25-29. Sure, it'd be nice if they also scaled to your level, but that's really not something I care about anywhere near as much - but storylines arbitrarily booting you out because you had too much XP would be great. Would love to be able to do literally any story arcs in a group without having to worry about it cutting me off from the actual story, you know? EDIT: OH, yeah, it'd also let us play through all the non-story arc missions that get locked out after you outlevel them! Without having to add them as badge missions to Ouro or whatever. Like the ones where you test out a gun on the Clockwork that doesn't work very well.
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