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Posts posted by omikaviii

  1. The Sa has awakened once more! We call to all misfits, miscreants, and so-called monsters to join us in sanctuary, to fight the true evils that threaten this world and prove to mankind that we, too, deserve a place at their side in the future. Come, ye tragic few, and muster with us in shadow.


    To celebrate our re-awakening and to bless the bloody day of Valentine, Sekhmet, Priestess of the Dark Trinity, will be conferring her blessing upon any union made in love and sincere hope. Come couples, come all, to be observed, blessed, and celebrated before the Dark Mother. We will see you on the red side of the Pocket D. Bring your loved ones!


    ((8 PM EST! 2/14/2021))

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  2. Hello, everyone! On Virtue, I was known as "Sekhmet the Ancient" and I was leader of a small, niche redside RP group called The Sekhem-Sa.


    We are trying to reform the core membership, but this was ten years ago, before discord was really a thing. Some members are still at large:


    - Our wonderful little gargoyle group

    - Our banshee base builder

    - Miscellaneous, Stoker-esque vampyr

    - Many more


    We were a group focused on bringing together myths, monsters, and 'creatures of the night' in the classical sense. We wanted vampires that were less modern and more tragic/historical. We liked curses, pathos, and all the great humanity of the monster tales of old. If you remember us, let me know! 

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