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Everything posted by Exlixer

  1. So to start this off, this is my very first finished build for my main character. Everything that is in this build that I will attach is what I use, though I would like some feedback as to what I could do to make it a little better, I have the healing down, and I feel a though my damage could be a little bit better. Charge Mastery I took on a whim and I don't use it as often as I hoped, is there anything else I could use in replacement of? Granted that's only two powers with a few slots, but hey who knows, anything is possible. *Note* Everything that is currently slotted I'm fairly content with just hoping to output a bit more damage on my pets, any thoughts? (The attached file is through mid's Hero Designer) Mr Know It All - Mastermind (Beast Mastery).mxd
  2. Trickschooter, This is my Girlfreind's character. We have been trying to slot a fear set into Umbra Beast for a while now, yet it shows that fear sets ARE allowed in it. So please explain as to why it's not allowing us when it clearly states that we can definitely slot fear into it.
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