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Posts posted by Alodylis

  1.  Hello longtime fan and one of the original players from the release back in 04.  Coh was a big part of my childhood and the fact I’m able to play it again is just truly amazing.

    It’s great to be back here with all you fine people I’m Lone Soldier pvp from infinity you may have fought my scrapper or stalker back in the day maybe not. 

     To the point I’ll make it short.


    Buff Argo caps for brutes and tankers. I’m from a time when they could herd 100s of npc at once now that’s completely broken I’ll admit. But 17 seems kinda small for what we used to do. Would be awesome if they buffed the Argo limit would make farming dope to be honest I miss that about the old coh herding 30 plus mobs at once. More then 20 less then 32 for Argo limit only for brutes and tankers. It’s not game breaking and makes it somewhat more like the glory days.



    also controllers please bring back multiple summons it’s not about being overpowered it’s just about being fun having 12 fire imps at once is so much fun it’s the only change that ever made me upset with coh I understand balance and all but come on we love having multiple pet summons if your from that time I’m sure you miss it. Adjust the numbers make them weaker and allow more seems best way to balance it it’s purely for fun aspect which is why we play the game. 

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