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Posts posted by Xario

  1. On 5/21/2021 at 11:05 AM, Icono04 said:

    Incandescence used to work while in nova or dwarf form, didn't it? Or did I dream that?

    The Incarnate power? Never played on that level.

    On 5/19/2021 at 5:13 PM, siolfir said:

    Not really. You can see the numbers on CoD2 here and compare to the human form version here. It's not bad - as mentioned before you get a stronger debuff, a bit more damage, and a mag 1 taunt - but the reduced range makes it less than ideal: the range is 20', which is the radius of Orbiting Death. That means you still have to either shift or else go chasing after runners.


    CoD2 is an awesome resource, thank you for providing a link.

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