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Posts posted by Judicator

  1. So apparently I love Sentinels. I re-rolled my old AR/devices as a AR/SR Sent hit 50 and all Alpha'd up.  I've played a lot of different toons...far more than I'd like to admit but I find myself falling in love with a 2nd Sentinel! This time I'm running a EB/Rad Silver Surfer homage called the Golden Sentinel. I'm having a blast with him and he is downright nasty. I've been really impressed with the AT and it it is fitting right in that sweet spot for the "heavy blaster" concepts like Iron Man and Captain Marvel for me. L O V I N G ...I T!

  2. Primarily I just wanted to complement you guys on another fine update and also thank the community member who supplied some cleaned up art. Honestly that is some serious life quality improving art.


    Regarding the DFB adjustment, I have to say I really love it especially since it's exactly what I suggested they do; some people thought that was limiting options; I think it's just normalizing reward. Plus you know how everyone wants an Oro porter? Well if you DFB to 15, and then go do Faultine's story arcs, you GET an oro porter as part and parcel of that!


    But I will address one other comment because I think it's coming from an uninformed place:


    My only issue with the VG merit  ... has to do with the availability of merits as a whole.  As a person who has altitist, it has ALWAYS been hard for me to outfit my multitude of characters because I spend a lot more time doing low-level content and I don't farm. ... I could do an hour of work and get a single IO for one of my slots.


    I've always thought the reward merits that you get were set ridiculously low, forcing you to farm if you want to get cool stuff for your characters. ... the cost for most of the good ones is 100. I have to do 3 TFs to get one slot out of how many? for how many characters? It is just too low.


    I think reward merits should be increased across the board a good deal. At least twice what they are. MSR was definitely high, but honestly, IMHO it was in the right direction.

    (some text snipped to consolidate the main points)


    I can see where you're coming from but at the same time I feel like you're asking for a lot. You say you're doing a lot of low level content and have lots of alts ... so why do you need any sets? Why aren't you using mostly generic IOs and maybe a few special pieces. Karma: Knockback protection costs a mere 20 merits! When you say you need 100 merits for a "good one" are you talking about the level scaling archetype enhancements? Those are like the crown jewels that used to cost 400-500 merits. PVP IO recipes also can cost 100 but as far as I've seen the normal set recipes are 20 for an uncommon and 50 for a rare, and that is a serious price reduction from live when uncommon set IO recipes were 50-75, and rares were 125-275. Here is the list of Original Dev prices for things bought with merits: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Merit_Rewards#Rewards_Purchases


    If you feel you can't buy specifically what you want still, maybe a better tack for you would be to spend 10 merits on a random roll and then just sell the most valuable recipes and use that to buy modest replacements for yourself. But it really does feel like you've chosen to stretch yourself very thin and want to still be able to gear up in the same way someone who focuses on just a couple characters can.

    Hey, thanks for the reply. It is a valid argument. But I've always viewed CoH as a game for those who want light play and not power game. Imho, there is no reason I shouldn't be able to get the builds I want or the special IOs that go for bazillions simply because I don't constantly play 50s and get tons of influence. My argument is why restrict and force the playstyle?  I don't' want to play the same character over and over again. I do want to be able to tweak my characters. It is just too much to expect me to do three TFs worth of content to get one IO. CoH has always been the game you could just jump in and jump out of and I love it for that, I just wish its advancement system matched that. It doesn't.

  3. This is just my opinion.


    My only issue with the VG merit nerf has nothing do with the balance of this content vs the rest, it has to do with the availability of merits as a whole.  As a person who has altitist, it has ALWAYS been hard for me to outfit my multitude of characters because I spend a lot more time doing low-level content and I don't farm. I can honestly say that the merit rewards for doing MSR felt like the first right level of Merit rewards to me since I've been playing the game. I could do an hour of work and get a single IO for one of my slots.


    I've always thought the reward merits that you get were set ridiculously low, forcing you to farm if you want to get cool stuff for your characters. You have like twenty something powers with potentially up to six slots on each. That is a TON of IO sets. With current conditions, you're getting really low returns for running TFs etc.  I mean an hour and a half for what like 34 merits? While the cost for most of the good ones is 100. I have to do 3 TFs to get one slot out of how many? for how many characters? It is just too low.


    I think reward merits should be increased across the board a good deal. At least twice what they are. MSR was definitely high, but honestly, IMHO it was in the right direction. 

  4. The naming policy is awful. It goes overboard. It's too much. A better solution would be to tie character names to Global Handles and then people can have whatever name they want because there is only one @Marshal Valor. So if I decided to make Steel Phoenix as a character, as far as the character process goes, it is Steel Phoenix@Marshal Valor. Another player could also make Steel Phoenix and his name in the system would be Steel Phoenix@Arbiter. Doing it this gives everyone what they want. I tried so hard back in the day to get the devs to implement this. I urge you to consider it, please. We know how horrible it is with the naming and people not able to get names that are taken. Also even though you let level 50 characters keep their name indefinitely, what will happen then when they never come back? That name is forever lost. FOREVER. It's not hard to get to 50 at all. Please implement this. It would benefit everyone and then everyone could have any name they wanted.

    Totally Second this!

  5. I'm currently running AR/SR Sentinel and I love it. However, I never take the disorient low damage type of attacks and it is my tier 2. I'm not really sure I need the defensive opportunity as I'm pretty good at cycling my inspirations, but I'm nervous not to have it. Any thoughts on this?

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