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Posts posted by ExoGrimz

  1. I am honestly kind of surprised that this debate is still going on consider (as stated by Death Battle during both their episodes on this fight):


    Goku is a man who can break any limit.

    Superman has no limits in the first place.


    This means that no matter what Goku does, he will never be able to beat Superman in a one on one fight... simply on the merit that Superman's power is limitless while Goku's can only grow so much in any given fight. Plus, Goku is an honorable fighter, so Kryptonite is out of the question. Meaning, while Goku can do incredible things and can push the boundaries of what can be considered possible on several occasions, in the end only one of them has limits to give in the first place. No amount of training, no number of new transformations will ever change that.

  2. 3 hours ago, Ukase said:

    This is exactly what I need/want to understand more clearly in my feeble mind. I completely understand that there are thematic reasons or even at home/real life reasons why a player isn't out to be ..well....super fast. 
    If the character is where you want it, then what is it that motivates you? After so many levels, doesn't something like War Mace's Crowd Control and it's satisfying crunch, doesn't that just get...old, stale? 
    I have moods where the last thing I want to do are speed. And generally, I've found the squishier the character, the more likely I am to want to go more slowly - more order, less chaos. 
    But, I'm not talking so much about in-mission tactics, but out of mission tactics. Is it just an old school preference to ride the slow turtle 30 miles to the quest door, a hold over from some game I've never played before? If that's it, that's fine - I just don't get it. And I don't have to, I'm just trying to understand it. 

    I play a few characters that are "about the journey", not the destination. Oddly enough, I've learned to despise all three! A warshade, a widow and an MM. I chose the ATs because I hadn't played them before. Now I see why! Ordinarily, I'd just delete them, but they are each in a team crawl, so that would be letting the group down, so I suffer through it. 

    My arbitrary list is exactly that. I've often heard that you have to measure something to know if there's improvement. So there's got to be a metric. Fun is subjective for all of us. It cannot be measured. We know it when we experience it, usually. But for me, because time is scarce, I want to be sure I'm not coming to the boards and complaining about people that don't deserve complaints, they're just...well, not in a hurry, whereas, I usually am. 
    What really seems odd to me are the number of times the recruitment message is "speedy XTF", and there's usually that one player who never exits the map when the mission is over. Sometimes, it's just a long page load. Other times, they have scrapper lock and don't notice the mission ended. We'll yell in team chat, send tells, and optimally, use discord to ask what the delay is for. These are the folks that will make my hair gray. 
    And one of the other folks are the ones with flight, have a celerity in sprint, but not realize that's not enough to let them zip by most mobs unscathed. You need super speed for that celerity:stealth to do you any good! And they die. And they wait there on the floor, as if some defender is supposed to tp them and rez them. The ones that do use the hospital, they miss the end of that mission, are late coming to the next one. In short - they prove themselves of no value to the team. Not even a joke as they lay there dead. 

    It was advertised as a speedy run, and they are not speedy. Then THEY come to the boards and complain about how selfish we are. We're not selfish, we're just in a hurry, and our builds allow us to be in a hurry. We've gone to the trouble of making the builds, sharing it with friends, asking for their critical eye to help us make them better. We have farmers that allow us the resources to acquire anything in game without any hardship. It's so easy to do! And yet people say they hate it, can't stand it, it's ruining the game, etc. 

    I stopped farming for one week on my accounts and suddenly the end mod perf shifter +end rises in price by 25%! Same with a number of other useful IOs that many of you use in every build. PvP IOs that I'd helped to reduce down to 8M are now back up to 10-11M as of this posting! Just because I stopped marketing for 1 lousy week. All thankless deeds, misunderstood by the casual gamer. But I digress. 

    I just want to reach a place in my heart and mind where when I see someone who's playing slowly, I can instantly say to myself, "They're not stupid, Ukase. They just don't like the faster, more efficient way of play because X.  And "X" can be anything, I just want it to make sense. Doesn't mean it will make sense to me, it's just what I want. 

    And I may not get what I want, and that's okay. But if I don't ask, I don't get. 

    Okay, so, first off... most people are subjectively minded and care exclusively about having fun. They have no intentions on learning rotations, managing mechanics, making OP builds or even getting things done in any kind of optimal way. This is something that exists in all MMOs (WoW, FF14, Rift, CoH, ESO, etc) and, though it can be frustrating at times, it's not something worth complaining about. As far as these players are concerned, they are just doing fun content with a group of fun people... they complain about getting kicked and/or yelled at because they can't understand how someone like you would just throw fun out the window in favor of efficiency. To hold these people under the same objective fueled standards is a fool's errand. They will not listen, they will not learn... because that's not why they play video games.


    and second... just because they complain about something you do doesn't mean you should complain about they do in return. All that does is force a divide in the players, which is never good (hell, this entire thread has consisted of nothing but people arguing over whether the person who made this thread is right or wrong). All you're doing be complaining about the casual player base is giving said player base more reason to hate you and call you selfish. Because, in all reality, you are both being selfish by deciding your playstyle is the only playstyle and that anyone who doesn't agree with you is wrong.


    You want to make sense of the casual player? Then maybe you should start by thinking of CoH for what it is. It's not a competition, it's not a sprinting test and it's sure as hell isn't a databook. It's a game. Always has been, always will be.

    • Like 1
  3. 52 minutes ago, Luminara said:


    If you mean how long will they continue to hop on boxes and fences, trying to reach you as you hover just out of range, they'll do it until the server is reset, as far as I've been able to determine.  Note, though, I've never stayed logged in continuously for an entire week, so I haven't tested it to the full extent possible.  I have had the little buggers running around in circles below for several hours, on the original servers.


    If you mean how far will they chase you, they despawn once you put a certain amount of distance between you and them, but I don't know exactly how far that is.  They won't cross entire zones to give you your small inspiration and little inf* bonus.  They're not that grateful (they're going to be mugged again in a few minutes anyway (we're the worst crime-fighters in history, apparently)).

    Can't save people if no one's in danger to begin with 😉

  4. 1 hour ago, KelvinKole said:

    Assault rifle has to be mentioned here. It is the OG of conical justice. 

    vorpal judgment is also a cone, and a darn good one. 

    Oh shit, probably should've done AR over Sonic since all of AR's cones actually do damage XD

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Snarky said:

    I think it is 5.  But i have not explored every corner of the game. If you find 6+ do let us know


    oh you can also throw the ice cone judgement on there.  But it is hot garbage in my opinion

    This is probably gonna be a complete meme that no one will ever use... but I did find a way to increase the Cone cap to 7 cones... (no, I did not make a full build, I'm not that crazy XD)


    This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 49 Magic Blaster
    Primary Power Set: Sonic Attack
    Secondary Power Set: Mental Manipulation
    Power Pool: Force of Will
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Power Pool: Leaping
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Ancillary Pool: Soul Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Scream

    • (A) Empty

    Level 1: Subdual

    • (A) Empty

    Level 2: Howl

    • (A) Empty

    Level 4: Mighty Leap

    • (A) Empty

    Level 6: Shockwave

    • (A) Empty

    Level 8: Shout

    • (A) Empty

    Level 10: Psychic Scream

    • (A) Empty

    Level 12: Amplify

    • (A) Empty

    Level 14: Project Will

    • (A) Empty

    Level 16: Wall of Force

    • (A) Empty

    Level 18: Sirens Song

    • (A) Empty

    Level 20: Concentration

    • (A) Empty

    Level 22: Drain Psyche

    • (A) Empty

    Level 24: Maneuvers

    • (A) Empty

    Level 26: Combat Jumping

    • (A) Empty

    Level 28: Kick

    • (A) Empty

    Level 30: Tough

    • (A) Empty

    Level 32: Weave

    • (A) Empty

    Level 35: Night Fall

    • (A) Empty

    Level 38: Dreadful Wail

    • (A) Empty

    Level 41: Soul Tentacles

    • (A) Empty

    Level 44: Psychic Shockwave

    • (A) Empty

    Level 47: Dark Embrace

    • (A) Empty

    Level 49: Tactics

    • (A) Empty

    Level 1: Brawl

    • (A) Empty

    Level 1: Defiance 

    Level 1: Sprint
    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Ghost said:

    Sounds like fun to me.

    When I form a TF, I give it roughly 10 minutes to form.  Long as I have at least 5 members on the team, Ill adjust the settings and start.  No need to wait for it to fill.  

    Ive been on several Synapse in which no one had TT or ATT - with the base portal power, its no big deal.  Most of the zones in the TF are small enough that it takes no time to quickly get to a portal.

    Deaths are how you learn to play differently - no deaths, and you simply go through the same motions until you get bored.


    and finally, was Snarky on this PUG?  He has a way of being attracted to disastrous PUGs, so if he wasn't on the team, it wasn't a disaster 🙂

    All hail Lord Snarky! King of Disasters! 😛

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Sgt. Terminus said:

    Please note the OP said Epic Pools, no Scrapper Secondary's have damage powers that can crit to knowledge.   That includes damage aura's like Blazing Aura or other damage powers like Burn, none of them can crit so I don't think adding a bonus chance would suddenly make it crit  (The scrapper ATO +crit chance doesn't).   Interesting that the Stalker version of Burn can crit though.

    Well, you see, that is how Scrapper Secondaries interact with Scrapper crits... and, technically speaking, Ninjutsu is a completely separate mechanic. So you could argue that Scrapper Secondaries could benefit from Shinobi-Iri... if any of them could be used along side the skill in the first place XD

  8. 10 minutes ago, Naraka said:


    Having expectations is reasonable but it hasn't been a wholly enforced expectation for workers to act "professional" on open public social media. Only in the last handful of years has it become customary to censor so draconian that the censorship itself causes untold animosity that terms like "toxic" are widely used to describe simply disagreeing.


    But further still, user enforced professionalism when there is no actual accountability (no one would be getting fired or lose money or thrown in jail) seems as pompous as a power tripping volunteer dev just with less dignity.


    tl;dr your standards aren't everyone's standard so stop pretending like you're setting the bar, of indeed you feel you are.

    Well, if no one at Thunderspy is being held accountable for their actions... then why would I want to be a part of their community?

    • Like 1
    • Thumbs Up 8
  9. 4 hours ago, psion312 said:


    No, it isn't. There's certainly differences, but the power system that was written by Number Six on the secret server explicitly supports legacy powerset files.



    I appreciate people's effort pointing out our flaws. But that's a literal teenager, who was also warned for doing that. Unsurprisingly, so are a lot of the "edgy" users people try to point out.


    Our policy is for the game to be treated differently than how people interact on the forum or Discord, because the game offers tools for people to block and filter words.



    That's not true. The server certainly has roots in /v/, but the majority of the staff uses imageboards as a maybe once a month thing if at all. There's more users here that post on 4chan, if the responses I've seen were any indicator.


    Our changes also aren't part of Ourodev. We contribute to Ourodev's upstream fork for bug fixes and I do code reviews, but the majority of things people talk about that we do are kept to us. There's a litany of reasons for that, but it's the same reason I don't bash Homecoming for being closed.




    I will fully admit to being a Thunderspy developer, if it wasn't obvious, and unfortunately, could not log into my original account here due to locking myself out from phone typos - so this isn't some attempt at evading a ban. I typically try to not reply here - as I read the forums for Bug Reports, something I do with every server's public reports, and less so for drama. However, I'd prefer to clear the air on what we do and do not do. Otherwise, these threads tend to get locked over people being wholly incorrect and breaking the rules with people intent on spreading complete misinformation.




    Personally, I don't mind that servers don't share our same opinions and people feel that this is a "safer" place. I don't feel that way - and I left partly as a result.


    My experience was that it tended to be just as bad here, but people are better at hiding their vitriol. I also didn't find teaming any easier and ended up with the same small group of badge hunters every single time I ran something. That was on Excelsior. I'm sure people can provide their anecdotes for how they always get groups, but I didn't as someone who barely spoke in game chat more than using LFG, offering public farms, and responding to tells. The staff can confirm that with my logged messages, if they want to go digging for how some awful Thunderspy developer treats people.


    Ultimately, the CoH community is just the insular group of cliques it has always been - starting from the old forums, to the secret server, to how people operate here. People like to pat themselves on the back for being so open, even though it's easy to see people's toxic behavior on this forum towards new players and old players alike. Yet there's a wonder why the community at large is in death throes.


    After all that is said and done, my views on how to treat users, how to develop content, and how to treat each other didn't align with people here. And so I did my best to not be here.

    The fact that you conveniently weren't able to post this on your main account leads me to question the legitimacy of your claim as a dev for the Thunderspy team

    • Thanks 4
  10. 5 hours ago, Snarky said:

    I am viewed as either extremely conservative or extremely liberal depending on the opinionated nutjub who is commenting.  But whether liberal or conservative let me just say.....


    "Oh hell no!"  


    I am so glad we have a (in my opinion) fair minded group of folks working behind the scenes.  That this game and these forums are a safe and welcoming place.  This goes beyond what the Devs and Moderators do.  This is due to the community that congregate here.  Even my Snarkiness is mostly relegated to starting forum posts that are screeds against Invulnerability's tier 9.  Which should be changed.  Just sayin'.


    So a big thank you to our community for being a place where we welcome anyone who comes here.  Thank you for making a safe place for creators, artists, people who society does not have patience with, for the different, the odd, and even us villains.  We even allow vanilla heroes a place....for now.

    Snarky is a middle man, pass it on 😛

    • Haha 2
  11. 54 minutes ago, ZorkNemesis said:


    Scrappers can crit with their Epic pools, and some pools like Fighting can also crit.

    I did not know that (sad that we can't test Shinobi-Iri on Secondary Power Sets since I don't think Ninjutsu has a damage aura) XD

  12. correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Shinobi-Iri applies to all attacks/damaging effects, where as Scrapper crits only apply to your attacks from your Primary Power Set

  13. On 6/10/2021 at 9:35 AM, DougGraves said:

    So they decided making a villain that was like an evil version of the hero was not enough, now they have the villain be an actual evil multiverse version of the hero.  That was sad.  I lost about 50% of my interest in the show.  I will still probably watch it since my daughter loves Loki.


    It really felt like Umbrella Academy season 2 time bureau, with the black woman time tracker from season 1 thrown in.  Everything looked cool, but it felt so unoriginal having season Umbrella Academy last year.  I mean it didn't just seem like the Umbrella Academy plot.  The lighting, color, use of flashbacks, the whole feel of the show was Umbrella Academy.


    This feels to me like a marvel Netflix show.  Really slow and drawn out.  But I felt that way about  episode 1 of Falcon and Winter Soldier and that got a lot better.  So this may just be a lame first episode.


    And if you have not seen Umbrella Academy, this probably all seem innovative and cool.

    I mean... either way Marvel still did it first, since the TVA first showed up in the comics in 1986

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 27 minutes ago, Techwright said:


    I would add...

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    Regarding the "morally just"...the first episode just screams for a confrontation between Loki and the triumvirate of Timeline guardians.  Early days, so a big guess, but I'm going to guess they're the classic "the victors write the history" types, and they're story about being the heroes probably stinks, and the TVA are their unwitting stooges to enforce their effort to maintain their timeline and story.  I might even go so far as to guess that we have a "man behind the curtain" scenario, where the triumvirate are not so great and terrible.  (Your reference to "aren't as strong".) 


    I'll make one other guess which is probably even more outrageous:  what if this version of Loki, broken by the vision of the future and his mother's death, willing to admit he hates killing, is ultimately reinserted into the timeline becoming the Loki who will stand alongside Thor, even to the cost of being destroyed by Thanos.  That rather than being wiped as an aberration.


    Of course,  WandaVision showed how the seemingly obvious directions aren't always so.


    Another point I forgot to add


    They already admitted to being hypocrites when they blatantly called the Avenger's going back in time to stop Thanos (which created an upward of at least 3 multiverses) was "A part of the Sacred Timeline." Meaning they created this timeline both knowing and intending for it to get broken at least once if not more.


  15. With what we know about the story from the first episode...



    I'm personally expecting it to be some kind of time paradox where the Loki they are trying to hunt is actually the future of the Loki we are viewing the story from... where he learns of something about the Time Variance Police that makes him realize they aren't as strong (or as morally just) as they make themselves out to be.


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