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Posts posted by PH0ENIX

  1. 3 hours ago, Shadowsleuth said:

    I remember this mission.


    It was a one shot mission the contact only gave you after finishing all his storyarcs.


    Although the mission text claims you were shrunk by a villain's invention (a glowie on the map) your character's size was never actually changed.


    It was faked by having all the ordinary objects on the mission map (warehouse map) scaled up to look enormous & the enemies were gears the size of Tesla Princes (but still had the name gears on them).


    Clicking the glowie ends the mission & upon leaving the mission map the contact says you were restored to normal size (Again, for clarification your actual size never changed).


    Since this mission wasn't a storyarc it was never added to Ouroboros.

    I'd kiss your feet if you were nearby.  I can't thank you enough.  I have been wracking my brains trying to remember the specifics of this mission for YEARS now.  YEARS.  


    Thank you sincerely.


    Now...however...that doesn't stop me from wanting to be able to purchase a prestige power that shrinks me down to the size of a gear (or smaller).


    My rationale is really simple...  If you can purchase a prestige power that transforms you into a black panther or a coyote or someone riding on a disk, rocket board or flying carpet, would it be too far-fetched to ask for a transformation into a shrunken version of your character.  (And outside of PVP---still be able to use your powers?)


    I know I'm dreaming...but...


    ~ PH0ENIX

  2. Well...this is heartening because honestly, I remember making the reference regarding the shrunken size in this game---referring to the size of gears at the time to friends as we were playing the game.


    I wonder if any of the original Devs are playing this current game---if they might have a better recollection of the event.


    ~ PH0ENIX

  3. Gosh...I hope I'm not mis-recalling...


    I could have sworn this occurred in CoX---right around the time I think Siren's Call became available.


    Still...if this wasn't a CoX line of programming---is this something that can be programmed into the game?




  4. Greetings one and all---new and old.


    (I'm old...from 2003 Alpha and Beta).


    Once upon a time there was a mission where the hero was shrunk to the size of a gear (I believe for the duration of the mission).


    A)  Does anyone remember this mission / arc?


    B)  Does it still exist and is it still accessible?


    C)  Game developer inheritors, could you please make this a purchasable power?  


    Back in the day, the argument against being able to access this power regularly was that it was 'an unfair advantage in PvP.'  I didn't understand that then and quite honestly, I don't understand it now.  But I was wondering if this could be made to be one of the purchasble, prestige powers.




    ~ PH0ENIX

    The Undying.

  5. Hello Cipher (and all).


    I'm a 51yo medical professional who does truly enjoy this game and has missed it since it was originally retired by NCsoft.


    I am grateful that you all have resurrected the game and I have spent many hours enjoying the fruits of your efforts and labor already.


    More and more, I am feeling guilty that I am not able to contribute (at least financially) to your efforts.


    Is there some way that we're going to be able to do so to help keep the game running?


    Thank you,

    ~ JonArmyMedGuy

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