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Everything posted by Marshman

  1. Good call. I had initially rezoned and logged off and still no pylons or dummies. I just know left RWZ, went to AP, then to Talos, then waited 3 minutes, then back to AP, and back to RWZ and viola!! Thanks for the suggestion.
  2. Is there an updated list somewhere with Seismic and Storm Blast?
  3. This is currently being done on Excelsior by at least 3 Masterminds and a Controller. At least one of the accounts is an alt account, could be all 4. Pets out. Adamastor defeated in about 30 seconds. While you can get the defeat merits its hard to get the 10% damage badge especially since they're not inviting to league. 576 merits/day for doing nothing is nice but to keep others from getting the badge is not nice.
  4. I used DDU as I do whenever I completely uninstall a video card or change manufacturers. It seems to be stable now after a motherboard driver update that was released June 2023 🙂 Keeping my fingers crossed but 2 weeks and no crashing whatsoever. Thanks for the reply.
  5. Sadly, this link to cohtips no longer works. Is this still being maintained or has it moved somewhere? It was my go to name generator for City of Heroes 😞
  6. This didn't start happening until the patch on May 16th or the week prior. It's been the same PC since Oct 2022. 32GB ram, i7-12700k, temps are well with in range for all cpu cores, memory, ssd's, and gpu. Happens with Chrome open or closed but more with Chrome open so yes I do keep that closed. My PC doesn't crash, just the game. Memtest has been ran several times without any found errors. I'm on a 1000W power supply, and a 7900xtx (was on a 1660ti until June 27th but again this was happening before the new gpu) Also did a full reinstall of the game and that has lessened the frequency but not eliminated it. Prior to that patch I seldom crashed. I could go months without crashing and playing in 4 hour blocks easily.
  7. I've been getting the same thing since the patch from a couple weeks ago. No other issues in any other game I play (Player's Unknown Battlegrounds, Borderlands 3). I was on an nVidia 1660ti with the latest drivers. I upgraded as of Saturday with a Radeon 7900 xtx with latest adrenalin drivers. Getting even more random crashes. Almost never crashed prior to May 16th update. Quite frustrating. Happens on the 1st boot of the day but if I reboot after the crash it seems to not happen for a good while. I monitor my game stats (gpu temp, cpu temp, gpu mem allocation, system mem allocation and usage) and everything is infantile at best. Not using anywhere near the resources my other games use.
  8. these changes happened yesterday on live? Today is the 4th....at least here in the US. I'm confused and I'm hungry.
  9. I'm asking, not making a statement, but was RWZ intended for all levels to be able to enter mission wise?
  10. I read rarities as singularities and was in the MCU for a bit. I'm back now 🙂
  11. Because they can. Again, its a game. You can tailor it to play like you want. YOU can be the team leader and invite less than 8 and be completely happy every single time if you wish. That's the beauty in this game and most multiplayer games. You can play how you want and there's often an audience of your ilk that will join you. No need to criticize how other's like to play because it doesn't fit your agenda. Live long and prosper ✌️
  12. The simple solution is, if you are the team leader, you state how missions/tfs are going to be ran in your recruiting or once everyone has joined you state how you would like to approach said missions then ask if everyone is ok with that. If everyone agrees and you still have someone run off after you've asked that everyone remain together then you can politely ask them to rejoin the fight with the group or politely remove them from team. You have the power! I run TFs ALOT. Some speedy, some at harder difficulty and purposely clearing all maps but I make sure I state that in my recruiting so they know exactly what they are signing up for. As far as clearing or completing maps quicker if one or two don't stick with the group, I've ran to the final floor (let's say 3rd floor) and cleared the entire floor before the rest of the group can reach the final floor. Again, these were speed runs or if the leader didn't specify a strategy. I've also joined teams where the leader clearly states how they'd like to approach the missions and I've abided accordingly because I came to help and have fun. There are enough people on where you can get the exact type of group you want and run content how you want with people who will share in your approach. It's just a game.
  13. Ok, but I doubt I had 2 and a half minutes of loading time on my 800M/175M connection.....11 and missions would require each load to take 13 seconds per load for each zone/map....takes about 3-5 seconds max for me to load into a zone or map if that..... Ok, I lied about my speed a smidgen:
  14. Timer bug? The Prestige Team Teleporter has a 30 min cooldown. I started a Citadel on a 30 min timer and used the TT 10 seconds into the TF to get to the first mission. However, in the last mission I still had 2:30 seconds on the TT timer while the TF timer expired and the challenge failed. Which timer is off by ALOT??
  15. Say it again. The people in the back didn't hear you apparently!!! 💯
  16. I apologize if this may be old news and I may have missed something or have just not been paying attention but I remember a time where if you mix-matched attuned IOs with non-attuned IOs in a given set you couldn't get cumulative set bonuses within that set unless they are all attuned or all non-attuned. I'm looking at 4 Unbreakable Guard IOs, one is attuned (max hp unique) and when I mouse over the IOs in the power it lists the 4 piece set bonus. Is that new? I thought I would only see the 3 piece bonus on the non-attuned and the 0 bonus for the 1 piece attuned IO in the set? Sincerely, Confused 🙂
  17. Looks great to me! Thanks @Jimmy!!!! Gives plenty of information just on inspection/layout alone. Very helpful!!! The true test is if someone who doesn't play and walked in and saw this menu would they be able to mostly figure out whats going on and I'd say yes indeed!
  18. Lol! There was a lot of "I" in you topic which means by no means is your reasoning for the population decrease in any way legitimate. It's a 16 year old game for goodness sake. What type of population do you expect it to have. Plus you have a split community as there are multiple CoH universe's in existence right now. Even if everyone convened to the same instance it'd still be relatively low population. I say play, enjoy it while you can, and accept the fact it is never going to be the game and population it once was. As far as the powerleveling, you don't have to go to AE to powerlevel any more so no need to bash AE at all. In fact, dare I say, you can virtually powerlevel almost as fast outside of AE with the right mixture of team and difficulty level. Cheers!
  19. Your Week 4 The Saga of Faathim double xp rewards is wrong. Should be 84 and not 44. I'm sure it's just a typo 🙂
  20. Eh...experienced or non-new players shouldn't have a problem with a 5 minute Vanguard Medal unlock and 35 levels on your character either in my opinion but to each his own. Society is starting to have such issue with parameters. It's scary.
  21. So what you're saying is there shouldn't be any level requirements for any content in the game? I just want to understand the statement.
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