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  1. The topic is where and/or how to get the server files so I can host my own server....not a topic of what you would do if you were rich.
  2. To host my own server... mainly for my own amusement and that of a few friends.... not for the masses as of yet. But I need to get my hands of the server itself....ouro website is gone so where can I get the server?
  3. ok, now I'm villain....how do I get Mu Powers
  4. How to get to pocket d? I forgot....been 10 years
  5. I'm now a vigilante...but I have no idea how to go from vigilante to villain. Help?
  6. Have to explain the different types of farming. I just want to set my notoriety to x8 and +4 ... and able to go in and kill everything.
  7. What is the best build for farming x8 +4 solo?
  8. What is the best build for farming x8 +4 solo?
  9. I'm looking for a build that is both endurance efficient, but also extreme damage with high accuracy. Want to survive soloing BM at highest notoriety setting like i used to back before the game shut down.
  10. first, getting my hands on the code
  11. I'm interested in hosting a server or shard myself...how would I go about doing that?
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