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Posts posted by theophenes

  1. The hot dog vendor nodded to the local construction worker. "So, there's a new mask running around Port Oakes. Knocked over a few armored cars, but no bodies."


    "Not surprising," the worker said as he eyed the chili dog. "Plenty of crooks aren't going lethal while they're running a mok."


    "Yeah, as far as any one can tell, he's just some guy in a ninja mask. Grey with camo. Has friends, too. And a lot of pyrotechnic stuff. Fireworks and smoke."


    "And he's knocking over armored cars, so why is that weird?"  the worker said, confused as to why this was unusual. "A lot of kooky ninjas out there, aren't that."


    "I've sen a lot of guys with katanas and smoke bombs, but I've never seen one with a Minnesota accent."


    The worker blinked. "You're screwing with me. Extra relish?"


    "Yes to the relish, no to messing with you. He's even been caught on security tagging 'Go Vikings' on tags in the Oil Spill."


    "You need to cut back on the hooch."


    "I'm serious," the vendor said. "Here."


    He handed the drifter a folded paper ninja star. When opened, it showed a flier with a bunch of ninjas in silhouette. "The Enra clan is here to help!!" And then same message written in Japanese and Spanish. The drifter blinked. "Okay, that is weird...."


    "Dude threw 'em at a Hellion and then ordered two polish dogs," he said with a shrug. "To go."







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