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Posts posted by TerraSecundus

  1. Going off of the City of Data entry for Scrapper's Nimble Slash, I noticed that its PvP version only does x1.5 damage compared to most other Scrapper crits' x2.




    The PvE version seems fine and does 2x in PvE/against "critters" as expected.


    Additionally, the Stalker version of Nimble Slash appears to do 2x damage when it crits, in either PvE or PvP (again, according to its City of Data entry -- I haven't checked in-game yet). It's just this one edge case for both the Scrapper version and specifically in PvP where the crit multiplier seems to be x1.5.

    Mainly seems like just a copy and paste error, since it normally does 2 ticks of damage, and instead of providing the full value of 2 ticks in the crit step for PvP, they copied the value for 1 tick.


    This also seems to be the case for Katana > Gambler's Cut; again, just for Scrappers in PvP.

  2. Occasionally, when I am in the hidden status and use Assassin's Blade, I successfully hit with the power but do no damage. The 'hit' sound effect plays, but no orange numbers show up and my target's health bar doesn't go down. Because the game considers it a hit, I am broken from stealth -- if I had missed, I would still be hidden, and I would simply be able to wait until Assassin's Blade has recharged and try again.


    I'm curious if this is happening across the board on a more general basis, and this is just highly noticeable on Assassin's Strike-style powers due to the harsh penalty associated with hitting, breaking stealth, and doing no damage.


    I'm pretty sure I had not been perceived and hit from stealth -- these were enemies where I was normally able to AS a boss or lieutenant with impunity, this only happened on a select mob in a mission.


    I will post screenshots of the combat log if I recreate it while solo -- I was only able to glance at them before the rest of my team got moving, but I saw that the power use had an entry in the combat log where it rolled below the 95% I needed to hit, but there was no damage listed, which matches up with what I observed.

  3. Thanks! I've seen that site before, but since it was so outdated I felt I couldn't trust even the little info there. But I'll go ahead and assume full nukes still deplete endurance - which makes them less than ideal. Guess it's back to being some kind of Archer again :)


    I think your initial instincts were right, since Dreadful Wail, at least, no longer fully drains my endurance on my Defender.

  4. There's been a contingent of people reserving names of characters in some RP circles from back on live. I'm not sure how many cases are just a friend reserving them for when that character's original player gets around to this server verses how many cases are to just troll them and either go through the effort of figuring out who took it, asking nicely, support tickets, or just abandoning the name.


    but if it's to troll them, that behavior kinda sucks, honestly

  5. When Villain Epic Archetypes came out, I remember 8-VEAT teams being pretty popular to level them up strictly because of the stacking Leadership buffs (both their native ones and the pool power versions).

  6. Is it that this particular server is meant to remain in perpetuity as i25, while there are ongoing efforts by coders and other groups not maintaining this server to compile from the source that's going around and make i24 servers? that is, are you conflating Cipher and the Homecoming crew with the coding groups, when they're actually separate projects in the same overall community?


    I could be wrong, but that's my understanding.

  7. Can we please add Double Inf to go along with the XP?  Otherwise we're just badly screwing over the economy and making it MUCH too easy to outlevel your actual ability to do things like you should.


    From what I've observed, we're also getting double inf. It's normal for characters to struggle to slot SOs until the inf gain outpaces the cost of SOs around the 30s, if that character's entirely self-funding themselves. It's a problem with the base values, not some multiplier mismatch.


    Old wiki pages on the 2XP weekends also states that inf gain is also doubled: https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Double_XP_Weekends

  8. On the other paw, the Loyola administration REALLY should be embarrassed.


    Seriously. Like I tried to mention before, were his actions not a violation of ethical standards within academia? I don't think he asked his participants for informed consent.


    Loyola has guidelines on this here: https://www.luc.edu/sociology/irb_tips.shtml


    It's also been a while since I read his paper, and I don't know if he addressed those concerns somehow within the paper itself, or if he got permission from Cryptic/Paragon Studios to perform the study. To simply say after the fact that it was all for research is not sufficient and is an abuse of his position.


    From what it looks like to me, he did the thing that, when I was in graduate school, was drilled into me NOT to do when performing a study: troll people with wanton abandon with a paper-thin veneer of academic legitimacy.

  9. I'm curious if any of you remember the player Twixt from the original servers, might remember him as an incredible nuisance, as he definitely purposefully was! He is one of my college professors, had him last year for Freshman Seminar. I was wondering what any of yall who might remember him have to think about him, knowing that his purpose was for social experimenting to draft results on the concept of society and community unwritten rules/etiquette in early games! I thought it was a really interesting topic when he brought it up to us last year and was very intrigued by his logic, but I feel like a lot of you were probably less than enthused at the time hahaha. Let me know what your thoughts are! Preferably no threats though.


    I'm less concerned with his behavior in-game and more about his actions under the guise of research. TPing people into drones, sure, whatever.


    However, if his victims were part of a study and did not provide informed consent to participate in that study, didn't he commit some sort of ethical violation?

    • Thumbs Up 3


    @AlwaysAPrice on live, just @Ani here for now, primarily of the League of Misfits, the Reciprocators, and Nation. Helped admin VirtueVerse (...I should really look into where that's gone...) and had lots of fun with Virtue's swarm of IC Formspringers, who I see some of here (DBF!).


    oh hi hello


    @Doman here, and I played Pathrunner and Synsynth. Ran in the same IC Formspring circle. Good to see you, man.


    I saw Alexis Apollo here on Friday before the forums/game went down and were wiped for the first time, but don't know if they resurfaced yet. I haven't seen anyone else from the Reciprocators around yet, either.

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