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Posts posted by TheEyeofMazataar

  1. I have been recently trying to read my old titan sentinel xml files of my character builds and costumes. I was wondering if anyone else has and if they have managed to figure out the color code. Some of the files are easy to interpret.  The colors, and everything having to do with the face and head are particularly hard to decipher. I was more interested to know if anyone has been using the files to revive their old pantheon, and if anyone has figured out how to read the code to figure out the exact color that was used.

  2. I still have my old titan files, I don't know if they will work, but I do hope that we have the option to restore our old characters.  I would love to get back on my lvl 50+3s Mind Control Storm Summoner and play all the high level content I was playing before the game was shut down. I just found out the game is back and playable, I can't even explain how happy that made me, but I have a feeling many if not all of you know the feeling. I can't wait to go and set it up.

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