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Posts posted by Roseenmark

  1. Frankly I've been through various communities over the course of at least a couple decades, when I state that RP is an evolution, I mean it.  The difference is, evolution isn't a straight line.  I have seen communities grow, evolve, and end up dying due to that evolution.  I've seen it do the opposite and thrive too.  Standing tests of time that the only time they disappeared was when servers were shut down.  Even then, now, thanks to things like discord, forums, and other means.  Those communities still exist to a branched extent.  Some even adopting from others.  I spent some time attempting to find the original rules of chat based RP, just to look at how far we've come as RPers ourselves.  Some of those rules I helped write in the original T1 systems of combat RP.  An evolution in itself from Speed 3 2 3 systems before it.  Then watched T1 change to freeform, and so on.  It astonished me and humbled me how things have changed since I started RPing as a whole.

    However, I can say this.  This is the first community that I can say I personally feel at home in.  Both on screen and behind it.  My history spans from chat RP, steering away from many MMO RP's for various reasons.  Most commonly, the excessive drama behind their communities.  While yes, there is drama here.  The sheer amount of that drama is out weighed by various other aspects.

    When I say, that this is the best RP community I've ever been part of in all my years.  I mean it.  I'm both humbled, and proud of what I have seen here.  Many know me as (Insert tech jargon here) Error, aka Sabie.  But I have a plethora of characters I play.  None of them would have been half as exciting without the interactions they've had in the scope of almost 4 years of being part of this community.  It was the RP Workshop, at the time conducted by Spazzy that made me realize how different from the RP I was used too and how much more positive it was here than most other places I was part of that made me really push for a more serious approach on RP here.

    It was welcoming, informative, and many of the values of RP were ones I personally have seen in place before, but never to the magnitude as they were on Homecoming.  Before Homecoming, I came from a place of RP that... needless to say, wasn't a great place.  It was as if I was back in high school again, and it was a regulated adult RP site.  As in you had to be 18+ to even be on the site.(For reasons I won't go into.)  To see adults acting like children was not a fun experience.  But that is a story to talk about later.  The point is... despite all the dealings I work with, it stays in the background and often gets resolved in civil manners.  And I wouldn't have even stayed part of this community if it wasn't for the Workshop itself.  It showed me that not only the players in the community cared, but the GM's too.  In fact some of the GM's are part of said community.  To explain how rare that is, would take a session all in itself.

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  2. Me and a few friends were talking about this a while back, but customizable NPC's for bases.  Being able to either make them look like you or copy an outfit would be very interesting in the base building dynamic.

    Adding to that, customizable MM pets, adding flavor and uniqueness even to non RP characters much like how weapons have different looks, or even a tailor for them would be nice.


    There's a plethora of base items I'd love, but due to the lack of tech items in terms of other items I'd love to see more of that most.  Especially given my base is almost solely tech items or what few that can fit the theme outside of tech.

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