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Posts posted by Durham

  1. On 7/23/2020 at 1:34 PM, Ankylosaur said:

    So I have been working on an arc idea that includes Praetoria. I came up with (what I think) is an interesting angle, so was researching the Provost Marchand and Number Six arcs to help me make sure I have the details of where Praetoria is today.  I want to use an outdoor Praetorian map to give a sense of place.


    Unfortunately, the current state of Praetoria seems to pretty much be Hamidon has taken over, everyone is evacuated, and all the Praetorian signature folk are captured or dead. 🙂 Doesn't leave a lot to work with as all the available maps are "everything is normal as can be." 🙂 Am I wrong about this? Is anyone still alive there (other than, say, in New Tokyo or the like).


    In particular I wanted to use Antimatter's Power Plant - and he seems to have blown himself and it, up - you experience this as a personal story, so its not even an offscreen reference where you can skirt the issue with a "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated!"


    Realizing all of this makes it hard to justify the TUNNEL network that lets me just pop on over to a Praetoria devoid of rampaging DE with sonic barriers up, a functioning Power Plant, and signature contacts in squares waiting to level you up. Oh the cognitive dissonance. 🙂


    Praetoria is an alternate Universe.  Therefore there will be many more versions of Praetoria out there.  With this in mind, you could fashion any story arc you want in that world.

  2. Don't know how possible this is, but I'd like to see some new costumes and/or costume pieces.

    I'd suggest some items from the Regency period or the age of the Cavaliers?

    And one other thing, if at all possible.

    Could we have a hair option for hats?

    Please do not take any of this as negative criticism.

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