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Everything posted by TrelNargil

  1. Greetings... Recently I have just gotten my 1st character on HC to lvl 50, and now I figure its time to rebuild him accordantly. He was my main during live, and actually was one of the most powerful Dm/Inv Scrappers on the server, as not many people usually ran with that set combo, and he was extremely fun to play. He was also incredibly tough, and could hardly be killed at all due to how many bonus' he had in him; he was very much almost as tough as a stone Tank during live, and could deal almost as much dps as a full blown Blaster, so yeah he was awesome. Anywho, as I said it's time to rebuild him as he is no where near even as powerful as he once was, especially with all the added things in the game that could make him even more epic. I did look threw the last 10 pages here, and there was nothing on Dm/Inv help & builds I could find, and while there are posts detailing the sets separately, there were none I could see in these pages that put them together. Hence why I am here; to ask all you smart and far more experienced players for your assistance. And speaking to some friends in game, they not only suggested coming here and asking for help, they also said to give as many details and "build requests" as possible, so as to make any of your ideas & help easier for you to give. So without further adu, here goes nothing lol... First, for my powers I currently have and use... * Invulnerability: All powers except for the t9 one... * Dark Melee: Smite (which I do NOT use at all), Siphon Life, Touch of Fear, Midnight Grasp, Soul Drain, & Dark Consumption... * Power Pools: * Flight: Air Superiority, & Flight (the last power I chose actually, for concept reasons)... * Speed: * Super Speed... * Leadership: * Maneuvers, & Tactics... * Fighting: * Kick (which I do not use), Tough, & Weave... * Epic Powers: * Body Mastery: * Focused Accuracy, & Physical Perfection... IO's I currently posses, and/or use... * (All slotted in Health) * Panacea, Miracle: +Recovery, & Numina's Convalescence... * (Stamina) * Performance Shifter: Chance for Endurance... * x3 Endurance Modification... * (Maneuvers) * LotG... * x3 Endurance... * (Weave) * LotG... * x2 Endurance... * x2 Defense... * (Unyielding) * Unbreakable Guard (The full set)... * (Invincibility) * LotG... * x1 Endurance... * x3 Defense... * (Tough Hide) * LotG... * x3 Defense... * (NOT used or slotted yet) * Aegis (The full set)... Now with all of the above, my character is still fairly good, as his resistance's & defense, but it is no where near what I want it to be. His S/L resistance is like in the 60's+, and his Defenses at the highest is only like in the low 20's (and weak as heck vs psychic damage of course). Now that I have listed all of that, I figure it's time to list my wants/needs for the build I am hoping you could help me with, and these are... 1) As MUCH Resistance and Defense as possible, so he can survive, because after all, if he face plants, he ain't gonna be of much good to anyone lol... 2) As LITTLE endurance issues as possible, as (like most people) I hate loosing much endurance (as if you couldn't tell from all the endurance bonuses I have already in him... 🙂 And while I could use Dark Consumption to supplant my endurance, I tend to mostly use it as either a emergency endurance fix, or another AoE that can damage enemies (in pairing it with Soul Drain it's not bad in that regard actually), and don't want to "depend" on it as a end all/be all fix for my endurance issues... 3) A attack chain that is constant and without any down time if at all possible. Currently I only use Air Superiority, Siphon Life, Touch of Fear, and Midnight Grasp for my basic attack chain, and due to them being slotted with a lot of recharge atm, I never really have any down time with my attacks, which gives me a fairly good dps ratio. So I would like to keep this if at all possible... 🙂 4) As much recharge as possible for such powers as Siphon Life, Soul Drain, Dark Consumption, not to mention my attacks as well. For as we all know, having your powers up as fast as possible is always a good thing... 5) Will function, generally speaking, at nearly any level fairly well (for when I am reduced to a lower level on teams below level 50), and will work good in both solo situations and on teams (generally I find that if your build is good enough to solo content, then it will be even better on a team)... 6) Tactics vs Focused Accuracy: This is a bit tricky for me actually. I have Tactics of course, and like it a lot, but as I wanted Physical Perfection I had to choose something, so I selected Focused Accuracy. However, I have found that it's Endurance is a bit too much considering the benefits it gives you, and while I can atm run it nearly constantly without "too" much issue, as I had to slot it big time, I'd rather not. So any suggestions, build help here would be appreciated as well... So yeah, that's about it here. Currently I have all my Incarnate's unlocked, though none of them have been slotted as of yet (they will be eventually), and I have 139+ million in influence to play with atm. And while I do want the best help, advice, and build any of you can help me with if possible, and can afford some things, I obviously cannot afford the most expensive build there is atm, so please keep that in mind (though I would also be interested in seeing what kind of build can be made with the above criteria with unlimited funds). In either case, that is it for my plea for help, and my writeup on things as they stand now, and what I wish to have for my character and the build according. I very much appreciate any and all help you can give me, and please help me make my character the best he can be as I really want him to rock even better then he was during live (which might be a challenge, as I even had him set up with Hamio-s' lol). Thank you for your time and patience, and as always... Peace...
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