Hello! I love City of Heroes and my absolute favorite part of it is the customization. I have 110 characters and hundreds of costumes made. But as someone who primarily likes magical or supernatural-based things I've run into some issues with the power pools. For example I have a fairy character who, based on the character concept, should be able to heal minor wounds. But when picking up Medicine to get "Aid Other" he takes out a device in order to heal. And I get it's a minor thing, but it was enough for me to drop the power since it clashed with him thematically. And since Power Pools are available to everyone I thought it'd be cool if there were a few changes to include "neutral" appearances.
Aid Other - Add an alternative animation where the character holds out their hands, the healed character gets a glow.
Toxic Dart - Add an alternative animation that sends out maybe a blob (like in water sets) or a beam or something.
I don't know anything about what goes into adding things to this game, but in my mind these SEEMED like nice little changes to fit characters who can cause these effects through magical, natural, psionic, etc means without having to pick an entire Primary or Secondary power set to get some small aspect.
Along these lines I also thought it would be cool if the Fighting Power Pool included a 'weapons' option. No gameplay change, just the option to swing a weapon for a character who has a weapon but not enough to justify it being a Primary. A character like Nightwing might have Martial Arts/Acrobatics as their Primary and Secondary but pick up the Fighting power set for a baton strike. And this would allow a bit more design freedom for characters who were trained to fight, but not necessarily bare-handed.
And, of course, I'm not suggesting taking away anything from anyone. Anyone who likes the devices or current animations could keep them. I only ask that it be considered a few alternate animations. I'd be excited to have new options and freedom to match my character themes. Thanks for reading!