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Posts posted by TheVoidchildProject

  1. I'm playing a Staff Fighting/Ninjitsu scrapper that I wanted to try out just for giggles. I'm not 100% sure about it yet. Unlike Super Reflexes (that I used for an old katana/SR build back in the Days) the defense seems a bit more spread out and with no passives it becomes pretty endurance Heavy. I'm unsure how it's going to work out at later levels (I've only just reached lvl 20 with maxed out lvl 20 IO enh) so I'm not sure how it'll all bear out. Still experimenting, but I def feel squishier than I've done with my other scrappers.


    Also, staff doesn't contain a build-up (which I'm used to from other scrappers) and I don't feel like I quite see the benefit from this set either coupled with Ninjitsu.


    It's fun to play around though

  2. Having the same issue which while I'm of course frustrated because I'm so starved for CoH, I get that these people are paying out of pocket and using their spare time to bring CoH back so you'll hear no "you need to fix this naow" from me. This was obviously gonna be the case for something like this. I just hope they can manage the workload of such an intense project and wherever I can would like to be able to support, though I understand that's not on the table right now.


    And I'll eagerly be awaiting updates for a fix so I can go get my lvl 8 power! ^_^

  3. Increidblt grateful! I've been in CoH since the US Beta and stayed up late nights (I live in Sweden) so I could play with my friends over there. I loved my character and characters so much that, after a while, I decided to learn how to draw so I could make my own comic featuring them.


    And yesterday, I got to re-create my old grav/ff controller and go back to Atlas Park to hunt badges and King's Row to go hunt kill skuls. So happy!

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